You're an idiot

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I'd lost count of the amount of drinks I'd had, I barely remembered the stripper coming and now I was sat at the bar with Tony who was forcing me to drink from a water bottle after he'd seen me stumble off of the stage after dancing with Tahlia. I hadn't seen Ace the entire time I was here and once Steph had realised I was here she'd kept her distance too but someone must've told Ace id fallen over because he'd appeared behind Tony.

"Oh god." I groaned at the sight of him, holding my head as it started to throb. Did I land on my head when id fallen?

"She okay?" Ace asked, clearly talking to Tony. He barely looked over his shoulder before muttering a quiet no. He tensed up, eyeing me cautiously and I stuck my tongue out at him wanting to offend him but I'd failed miserably. Instead he'd smiled, clearly amused. "I watched you fall, you hit your head?"

"I must of to be talking to you." I snapped, opening my mouth for more water. Tony smirked, pouring the bottle into my mouth his back still to Ace who had sucked in a sharp breath. I looked him dead in the eye, all my worries from earlier no where to be seen.

"Can we talk?" I shook my head at Tony who put the water bottle on the bar, turning to face ace and I could already tell he was ready to tell him to fuck off. I stood from the stool Tony had forced me to sit on, ignoring the slight sting in my ankle. I put my hand on Tony's shoulder to catch myself as I wobbled but Ace had shot forwards and caught me. I slapped at his hands, feeling furious he'd had the audacity to even think he could touch me.

"Don't you touch me Ace." I warned, an angry look forcing its way onto my face. "I'll break your fingers." To my ears it had sounded intimidating but to him it had been amusing because he was chuckling, his hands still touching to steady me. It was almost as if he were savouring the contact.

"I forgot how much of a lightweight you are." He commented and i scowled at him, forgetting that his hands were still on my hips. I didn't want to be touched by him and I was irritated that he was here now, that he'd waited until I was wasted before approaching me. He was such a coward.

"I forgot how stupid you are." I retorted, laughing drunkenly after. "You are really stupid."

"Ace you can let go of her now." Tony told him, his teeth gritted together as he glared at him. Ace ignored him, his green eyes scanning over my face.

"Ava just answer this question."

"Ace she's drunk leave her alone." Tony warned, the volume in his voice increasing. Ace held his hand up, silencing him before looking at me expectantly.

"Do you still love me?" I frowned at him, contemplating if I did love him but at the thought of his question I thought of Ronan and suddenly longed to be with him. I missed Ronan, big silly ronan. "Ava?" He put his hand on my shoulder, bringing my back to the moment and I shoved at his hand.

"Don't touch me, I don't know where you've been." I snapped, my voice sounding fuzzy to my ears. Ace looked irritated, his hand still on my shoulder and I looked at Tony hopelessly.

"Are you deaf?" An Irish voice sounded, a voice that caused a tendril of heat to coil around my stomach. I looked behind Ace at Ronan who was glowering at him. "She said don't touch her."

Ace clenched his jaw but moved his hand, Tony was watching with a smirk leaned up against the bar beside me as if he knew what was coming. I was so drunk I could barely focus, one minute I was watching Ace and Ronan argue then the next I was watching Tahlia dance with Lily before Ronan was shaking my shoulder. I blinked at him before grinning. "What are you doing here mr elephant?" I hiccuped.

He laughed. "I'm taking you home Ava." Had I called him to get me and forgotten or had someone else? Either way I had no issue with going home right now, I was surprised I could even remember my own name.

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