Prospects Day Out

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I felt a thousand times better now that I'd showered, brushed my teeth and wore my own clothes. I'd tied my hair into space buns only leaving a two strands at the front to curl up and frame my face. I'd decided to wear my short dungarees with a white tee beneath it and matched them with my high top converse. I was just tying up my laces when my brother walked in through the door.

"You heading out with the prospect?" He asked. I finished the bow on my shoe before rising to my feet. He stood in the doorway both of his hands on the archway and I was jealous of his height, he'd gotten that from dad where as I was short as possible. Something I'd gotten from my mother.

"Yeah, we're gonna grab some breakfast and stuff." I told him as I passed him in the doorway. He shut the door behind him and followed me down the corridor. Cain was leant against the bar when we'd entered the room he seemed to be having an intense discussion with Gunner, Diesel and Ace. He was nodding while the other stood with their arms crossed and a typical frown upon their faces.

"Ay prospect!" My brother shouted gaining all of their attention. "You look after my sister today, other wise you'll be dead before sundown."

I shook my head as the boys laughed and Diesel playfully shoved an fear stricken looking Cain. "He's joking right?" Cain asked Gunner.

"Nope." Gunner told him, popping the 'P' with a massive smirk upon his face. "I'll help him."

Cain audibly gulped before looking at Ace nervously. "I don't wanna do it." He rushed out and I felt offended that he'd let a few boys scare him from me.

"You got no choice boy." Ace told him sternly. "Remember back before we get back, we'll only be a few hours."

Cain nodded and told him a quick 'yes sir' before smiling at me. "You ready?" He asked swinging a set of keys around his finger as the boys walked away together, Ace still ignoring my existence.

"Let's roll boys!" I heard Ace call and a few of the nearby members that were sat at the bar jumped up following the others out of the building. Axel and Cain were the only ones left remaining. I raised an inquisitive eyebrow at the sight of my brother still stood beside me. 

"Haven't you got to go?" I prodded, pointing at the door that everyone had just walked out of. 

"Yes." He told me before kissing me on top of my head and pointing at Cain. "Remember what I said prospect. Look after her or your a deadman walking." He pulled his outstretched thumb across his neck for extra measure and I nearly laughed at Cains terrified expression.

"Let's go." I chuckled following my brother out of the building. I squinted against the bright sun as all of the club members bike come to life. Ace was looking at me and he scowled once he realised I'd noticed. I rolled my eyes putting my hands on my hips as the gang left, Ace leading them out of the complex.

"So where's your bike?" I asked him, removing my hands to look less threatening. I wouldn't want to scare him anymore.

"I thought we could take my truck." He told me. "I know your not used to all this bike shit so thought it'd be a better option for you."

I smiled at him and thanked him. "That's real thoughtful."

"What can I say? I'm just such a nice guy." I laughed at him his he pretended to act like an angel who was shining his halo. "Let's goooo!" He hollered racing towards a rusty red four by four truck, completely catching me off guard.

"Last one to the truck pays for breakfast!" He sang at the top of his lungs and I grumbled that he was cheating before laughing and chasing after him. Obviously I'd won because he'd tripped over his own feet and I wasn't about to give up my win to help him.

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