It should've been you

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As soon as Ronan had left Ace spun on Gunner and Cain, grabbing Cain by his cut. "What the fuck were you two thinking?" He snapped, an angry ginger pointed in their faces. "Letting him in here? Do you idiots not know what no one gets in means?" Cain held his hands up defensively, a petrified look on his face but Gunner looked angry.

"What do you expect Ace?" He bit back. "We don't know what's going on with you lately man, you want us to spend most our time babysitting we're men of fucking mayhem not supervisors. Ronans meant to be an ally so we're meant to accommodate him to keep the peace we couldn't physically stop him because of it! If you wanted to stop him from being here then you should've been here!"

Ace let go of Cain, his anger instantly directed to Gunner and I noticed John had tensed up. "What's up man?" He shouted. "You got a problem lately, you wanna say something. Say it."

Gunner flicked the end of his nose with his thumb before taking a step closer. "Yeah I got a lot to say to you man." He told him, his face scrunched up into an angry sneer. "It's you that's destroying this club, I lost my best friend because of you because you didn't wanna listen to any of us!" I saw it coming before it actually happened, I already knew he was blaming Ace for what happened to Axel.

Ace lashed out, his fist connecting with the side of Gunners face and I screamed. They broke out into a fight, knocking over medical equipment in their wake and I couldn't untangle myself from the wires attached to me quicker. I managed to unclip them from the stickers stuck to my body but struggled with the IV stuck in my hand. I grimaced as I pulled at the tube, feeling it break free from my hand and I hissed.

The others were too occupied trying to break up the fight that had broke out to notice I was now off the bed, my hand bleeding as I shuffled over to them struggling to keep my bearings as a wave of dizziness hit me. "Stop!" I shouted, leaning up against the wall as I neared them. Ace was on top of Gunner laying into him as he writhed beneath him. John was trying to grab onto Aces arm but the ferocity of his swings made it need enough impossible.

Tahlia was being held back by Cain and Diesel, tears streaming down her face as she begged him to stop. "Ace!" I shouted, my voice firmer than before. "Get the fuck off him!" John halted, noticing I was out of the bed and I could see the worry on his face.

"Ava don't." He warned but I ignored him as I dropped to the floor roughly besides them. I grabbed onto Aces arm letting out a cry of pain as he continued to swing but I refused to let go even though my chest felt as if it were ripping in half. With all my might I tugged, using my feet to ground me and managed to pull him away. Gunner already was jumping to his feet ready to return the treatment but John had stepped in. He held Gunner between his two arms, refusing to let go no matter how much he thrashed.

I lay on my back, taking in deep breaths as I still held Aces arm. "She's bleeding!" Tahlia cried out, finally shoving past the men to drop down besides us. I felt aces arm slither free from my grasp but before he could get to me Tahlia was shoving him away. "Just fuck off, you've done enough!"

"I'm okay T." I told her now I felt like my breath had returned to normal. "It's okay." She was crying, trying to help me sit up against the wall. She held my face between her shaking hands, looking into my face while Ace sat stunned at what had happened.

"You should've fucking died!" Gunner roared, still held in his fathers grasp. "Not Axel, you led him into that warehouse blind!" Ace looked up at him, the fire put out and now he looked broken, ashamed even.

"That's enough son!" John snapped, looking as equally as angry. He let Gunner go, shoving him towards the door. "Diesel take him to cool off." Diesel didn't need to be told twice, he grabbed onto Gunners cut dragging him out of the room. I noticed that he'd got a busted lip and his nose was bleeding. I wanted to make sure he was okay, I hadn't realised how much Axels death had affected him.

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