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I'd argued with Axel all morning about not going back to the clubhouse, my throat was roar from the shouting and my head throbbed. I was hungover, arguing was not on the cards but when Axel had woken me up mid afternoon I hadn't had a choice. He'd preached about how he'd only just come to the idea of me being apart of the club, that he thought I'd fit in perfectly. He couldn't understand my sudden change of mind and didn't believe my excuse of missing my old life.

I'd tried to explain to him that I was studying a bachelors degree and had missed a whole week of classes because he'd decided that it was unsafe. He told me I didn't need to go to college that the club would look after me now but I didn't want that. I'd told him I wanted a life away which ended up in a screaming match about how I was lying, that something wasn't adding up.

I couldn't tell him what had happened last night and I was trying my hardest to forget, clearly I hadn't drank enough. The argument had ended on him giving up and storming out only to return a few hours later with my things. He hadn't spoken to me just dumped them at my bedroom door before leaving again.

I watched him from my bedroom window that overlooked the parking lot at the back of our building. He had come with everyone, including Ace, they were all leaving on their bikes. I watched Ace, he looked rough. As they pulled away down the street and disappeared I couldn't fight the tears that leaked from my eyes. Why had my life become so difficult?

Deciding that returning back to normalities was the best choice, I pulled out my laptop from my desk and placed it on top. I switched it on before reaching for my phone that I'd turned off halfway home last night. I didn't want anyone to contact me but I needed to begin to sort my life out. Starting with some assignments and talking to Charlie about starting work again.

Messages flooded in on my phone, all from numbers I didn't recognise. I scrolled through them all and sighed. They were all club members, I'd no idea who had given my number to them all. I'm sure Axel wouldn't of as they all had been sent around four/five am when I'd been asleep.

Yo A, where tf did you go.

I woke up to find you've gone? Is everything okay?

I'm sorry. Can we talk properly in the morning?

Actually you know what, forget it Ava. Let's go back to pretending the other doesn't exist.

I don't know what I'm saying. I'm drunk and I miss seeing your face in the bar.

Good night Ava, I hope you're back by morning.

You really ignoring me? I think you're the one who plays all these mind games.

The last messages had been from Ace and I immediately blocked the number. I decided to message Mac back and tell him that I wasn't coming back, that I wasn't apart of the club. I began typing before angrily deleting the message, I needed to say it in a way that left no room for discussion.

Hey Mac, yeah I'm good. I'm not coming back, I don't want to be your old lady either. Please just let me get back on with my life. Ava x

I pressed send, hopefully the 'x' on the end would soften the blow and he'd get the message. I locked my phone about to open a document on my laptop when I picked my phone back up. I opened it and blocked Macs number too. It felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders and just when I thought I could begin my assignment a loud car horn sounded from below my bedroom window.

I stormed towards it angrily, prepared to chew some asshole out for interrupting my train of thought. Yet I couldn't help but smile at who was stood on the bed of his truck waving his arms at me. "Hey kid!" He bellowed from below, cupping his hands over his mouth. "I'm coming up."

I pushed open my window leaning out so that he could hear me. "Doors open asshat!" I slammed the window shut before bolting towards the front door, sliding the deadbolt back and throwing it open. I could hear his excited footsteps as he raced down the hall and I couldn't rid myself of the grin. I suppose I wouldn't be getting rid of some parts of the club, if I can keep Axel in my life (not that I had a choice) then I can keep Cain.

"Shall we get some dinner?" He pondered as he sauntered down the corridor, his finger on his chin in thought. "I'm thinking Mels?"

That sounded good to me, I could cure my hangover cravings for some greasy food and speak to Charlie about starting work again. I nodded before ushering him inside. "Sit in here, I'm just gonna go grab a shower and get ready." I told him. He sat in the kitchen, pulling out his phone to entertain himself.

I had quickly showered away my self pity and felt refreshed as I searched through my wardrobe. The sun was still up but I knew by the time I'd be on my way home it would be dark, which meant it would be cold so I settled for the safest possible outfit. A typical band T-shirt and jeans. I rushed back out, slightly feeling guilty that I'd made Cain wait.

"Finally!" He exclaimed, patting his tummy. "I gotta eat man." I shook my head and laughed, opening the front door once I'd picked up my bag when I noticed a broken vase on the opposite side of the room. So that's what Ace had broken, I made a mental note to clean it up when I got home. I pulled the door shut when Cain cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Downstairs now prospect." Ace demanded, stood at the end of the hall with his hands shoved into his jeans pockets. He looked good considering I'd seen him about an hour ago looking worse for wear. Cain smiled at me apologetically before shrugging and walking away, he nodded at Ace as he passed by.

I turned my key in the lock, putting my keys into a side pocket in my bag. My heart was hammering against my chest at seeing him so soon, even though I'd blocked him I knew there was a small part of me that was happy he was here. I kept my head down as I tried to walk past him, he'd put his arm out against he wall and stopping me from passing. "Where do you think your going?" He asked, grabbing my arm with his other hand.

"To dinner." I simply said, refusing to meet his eyes. I knew that if I looked at him I wouldn't be able to leave even though I'd decided that Ace and the club were no longer apart of my life.

"Not until you talk to me." I snatched my arm away from him, breaking his hold and glared up into his eyes. He was staring at me fiercely and I could see his patience wearing thin.

"We already talked Ace, there's nothing else to talk about."

"No you didn't let me talk, you screamed over me." He countered and I looked away from him angrily. He was an asshole and I refused to keep entertaining him. I was contradicting myself over and over again, one minute I couldn't resist him and then the next I wanted him as far away as possible.

"So why aren't you listening to me?" I asked, looking back at him and crossing my arms. "I told you I don't want to be apart of the club, I want to finish my studies. I meant what I said so leave me alone."

"I don't want to leave you alone." He told me, stepping closer to me and forcing me to step back against the wall. I looked up at him as he peered down, my heart was in my mouth and my stomach erupted with butterflies. "And I don't think you actually want me to leave you alone either."

"I- I do." I stuttered, silently cursing myself for sounding so unsure and pathetic. I cleared my throat. "I do." My voice sounded stronger but even to my own ears it was unconvincing. A small smile began to form on his face and he lifted his hand to push my curly hair behind my ear.

"Please just come back Ava." He begged. "Not even for me, for your brother and for the good of the club. I can't focus when your not there." I chewed the inside of my lip already regretting what I was about to say.

"Fine." I told him and he leaned away from me, moving to stand away and give me my space. "But on one condition."

"What's that?" He murmured.

"I want my own room, I want to be able to go to college and you stay as far away from me as possible." He closed his eyes as if my words pained him and I felt a little bit guilty, wishing that things were simple and maybe just maybe we could be together but life just didn't work that way. Well. Not for me anyway.

He sighed, opening his arms before nodding begrudgingly and held his hand out for me to shake. "Deal." I shook it but quickly pulled my hand away, enjoying the way his hand felt against mine too much.

I guess I was going back to the clubhouse. What a pushover.

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