Why are you doing this to me?

414 19 1

I couldn't stop the smile from my face, my cheeks were actually beginning to hurt and whenever I stopped I'd catch Ronans eye where he'd wink or do his usual stupid smirk and my face would light back up again. We were still at Mels eating breakfast and I'd just finished my pancakes when Ronan had finished his breakfast. Ronan had ordered two more coffees to go that we were waiting for but I didn't mind, we were still talking to one another.

"So if you had to pick a band that was like your most favourite, who would it be?" I asked, piling up our plates so that it would be easier for Charlie to carry them back to the kitchen. Ronan was still swallowing the last bite of his food, now looking at me oddly as he contemplated my question. I had been throwing questions like this at him for a while now. One thing I realised with ace was that I barely knew him and I wasn't going to make that same mistake.

"My favourite band?" He leaned forwards, resting on his elbows. "Probably Avenged Sevenfold." This only made me even happier, it was something we had in common and I couldn't help but feel like it was something that made us closer. It sounded stupid but it did make me feel better about following my heart, as if I wasn't making the same mistake.

"Favourite song by them?" I fired another question at him. He sighed, a thoughtful kind as well as smiling and I leaned back in the booth to let him think. The door chimed open and I sat up taller, happy that Charlie had some customers other than us. My happiness quickly died down as I recognised the faces stepping inside. I sank into the booth a little hoping that none of them had noticed we were here.

Ronan picked up on my sudden change of mood instantly and was already turning towards them, he shown no sign of being uncomfortable like I had. He simply turned around and looked at me. "God damn."

"What?" I asked, confused at what he was saying. He broke out into a smile, a smile that coerced my lips into stretching out to match his.

"My favourite song by avenged sevenfold, god damn." He explained and I started to laugh a little, feeling stupid for having felt so awkward a few seconds ago and forgetting the conversation I'd been having with Ronan. "What's your favourite song by them?"

"Welcome to the family." I didn't even have to think about it, it was a song I listened to regularly and sometimes on repeat. I knew every single word. Ronan nodded, opening his mouth to talk but being interrupted. My body stilled, the only thing moving was my eyes and that was between Ronan and Ace.

"I didn't think you'd be out and about after last night." Ace commented, moving to stand right next to our table with Gunner and Cain on either side of him. I looked over at Ronan expecting to see him looking irritated or angry but instead he was the most relaxed I'd ever seen him. He'd leant back into his seat, one arm resting over the back of the seat as he looked up at Ace.

Even though I was freaking out in the inside, growing more and more uncomfortable the longer Ace stood here i forced an irritated scowl onto my face. "What?" I murmured, closing my hands on top of the table.

Ace smirked but it had no effect on me not like Ronans, the thought had me sitting taller. It made me feel more confident knowing that Ace had no effect on me and that the only man I cared about was sat opposite me. "I said I didn't think you'd be out and about after last night."

I frowned, crossing my arms over the table and sitting a little straighter. "Ronan thought it would be a good idea to go for breakfast, didn't you babe?" I looked over at Ronan, watching Aces face fall out of the corner of my eye. Ronan was smirking, a wicked edge to his eyes that sent an excited thrill through out me.

"I wouldn't call it breakfast, I'd say brunch." He leaned back in his seat, looking at me. "We were up late last night." I was fighting a smile from my face, trying not to enjoy it all too much. Ace looked devastated, his face had crumpled and his shoulders had sagged looking no where near confident as he had a few seconds ago.

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