Goodnight Ax

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It was like the ground was slowly crumbling beneath me, the world spinning around me and cracking open. My world was falling apart. The last member of my family had died. Died. I didn't know what to do, what to feel. It was like everything bad that could possibly was happening all at once. I dropped to the ground in front of Cain, just staring at the floor.

I wasn't crying and I felt guilty because of it, surely I should be crying. I felt numb to the world, everything next happening into a daze. I vaguely remembered Cains face in front of mine before it was replaced with John and Tahlia. I couldn't focus on them, Axels smiling face flashing in front of me. Maybe they were playing a prank on me, some sick joke that the club had put in place to get me to leave my room.

I didn't know how long I stayed like that on the floor, just staring at absolutely nothing. I looked up, blinking at the concerned faces of Cain, John and Tahlia. "What?" I asked, not really knowing what to say to them all. Tahlia did a double take, finally staring at her father. Cain just looked sympathetic and John was bending down in front of me.

"Ava." He whispered softly, I blinked back at him. "We need you to come to the hospital."

"What for?" Maybe I was in denial, maybe I was ignoring what Cain had told me. I knew what I'd heard but I wasn't allowing myself to believe it. John looked over his shoulder at Cain.

"Did you tell her?" He hissed and Cain was nodding, promising him he'd told me. He sighed in response, returning his attention to me. He was lifting me off of the ground, ordering Tahlia to grab a jacket or something and some shoes. She didn't look at me as she passed and a small part of me wanted to tell her not to go in there, I didn't want her to see the mess it was in but the bigger part of me just didn't care.

Tahlia helped me slip my arms into the large puffer jacket she'd found, I was sure this wasn't mine and when I brought the collar around my face I realised why. It was Axels, it still smelt like him. I was too busy burying my face into the material when I realised she was trying to help me put my slippers on. I lifted my legs slowly, putting my feet inside of them.

I didn't remember the drive there, daydreaming about when Axel and I were younger. Thinking about how my parents used to scold us for making a mess in the house, all different stories that I held dear to me. It was interrupted when Cain was tugging me out of the car, a gentle arm put over my shoulder to direct me.

One minute I was out in the dark and the next I was being blinded by bright white lights. Cain led us to the front desk, letting John do the talking. The woman's hard expression softened, looking behind John and right at me. She stood from behind the desk, rounding it and beckoning for us to follow her. I was nearly tripping over my feet, the both of them getting heavier the closer I got to wherever we were going.

I was introduced to a doctor, doctor Gomez I think his name was. I didnt register what he looked like, I was just forced to sit in a chair in a small room that was painted with bright happy colours. The others left me with him, the doctor refusing to speak in front of anyone that wasn't a family member. "You're Axels little sister right?" I nodded.

He leaned forwards in his chair, an apologetic look on his face. "I'm really sorry about your brother." I frowned at him, slightly cocking my head to the side.

"What about him?" Doctor Gomez seemed confused by my answer, swallowing hardly while shuffling back into his chair.

"He suffered a gunshot wound about an hour ago, we did everything we could to save him but he passed due to blood loss. We were informed that it was a shotgun, which in many cases are fatal."

"Oh." I mumbled, still not letting his words register in my mind. He seemed taken aback at my answer, looking almost stressed as if he didn't know what to say next.

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