I was so scared.

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Thankfully the biker hadn't done any serious damage and my hospital visit went by quickly with a quick examination, some painkillers and Axel obsessing over me every five minutes. He'd been asking me how I was feeling and gently dabbing at my face with tissues while clutching my blue inhaler tightly in his other hand as if I were to stop breathing right there and then.

A few of the other bikers had met us at the hospital but they seemed as if they had better things to do, they looked bored at just standing around and if I were them I would be too yet for my own selfish reasons I was glad I had Axel, Ace and the other bikers there. I had to admit my ordeal with the Rebel kept replaying over and over in my head, scaring me all over again.

After the doctor had reassured my brother that nothing was broken he'd sent us on our way out of the hospital and back home. Home? I suppose that meant the clubhouse now, I knew there was absolutely no way I'd be allowed back at the apartment not that I'd want to go back there knowing that angry bikers were after me.

"Axel go with the others, there's a lead on where the Rebels are hiding and I want you there." Ace instructed, his expression looking grim. Axels eyes darted from Ace to me and back again, I could see the angry glint in his eye. It flashes at me as if it were a warning beacon and it brought me back to my school days. I'd been attacked by a boy a year above me in high school, he'd taken my cellphone and my iPod.

Axel had given me the exact same look he was right now and I knew it wasn't good because after that I'd never seen that boy again.

"Get her home safe Ace." Axel told him before pulling me into his arms and pressing me against his chest, being careful not to catch the cuts on my cheeks. "I love you Ava, stay safe." He whispered in my ear before pressing a kiss to the top of my head and letting me go. I didn't even have time to reply before he was barking orders at the guys surrounding us and marching off in the direction of his bike.

"Let's go doll." Ace gently spoke, grabbing my wrist and gently tugging me towards a nearby truck. I had to stop myself from squealing and running towards the truck when I recognised the excited grin behind the windshield.

His eye was turning a bright purple and he had a bandage across the bridge of his nose that now looked a bit crooked. "Cain!" I shouted as I got closer, throwing open the door and pulling my arm out of Aces grasp.

"Hey kid!" He greeted happily, holding his hand out to help me up the step. "You're riding with me, Ace is gonna follow." I buckled my seatbelt and turned to Ace who was leaning through my open window.

"I'll be right behind you Ava." He whispered, his eye full of sincerity and I felt my breath catch in the back of my throat at the sudden emotion whirling in his forest green eyes. "You got nothing to worry about, no ones gonna hurt you ever again." I couldn't speak, his words had silenced me and all I could manage was a small nod of the head.

He smiled at me before nodding at Cain, a serious look taking over his features. His strong eyes had me sitting taller, ready to listen to what he had to say. He was a natural born leader and you could see it in his body language. "You don't stray from me prospect, hospital to the clubhouse no detours. Any sign of trouble? Foot to the floor and you get Ava back. Top priority is keeping her safe Cain, anything happens to her and it falls on your head." He paused, his eyes trained on his prospect.

"And trust me, I wouldn't wanna be on the receiving end of Axel and me." I looked at Ace, eyes wide, he didn't even look at me before turning on his heel and walking away. My mouth opened and closed, not being able to speak.

"Well princess Ava, let's get you home." Cain joked, yet I could hear a tinge of fear tainting his words. I looked at him and he had his usual Cheshire like grin on his face that seemed dampened because of all the bruising that discoloured his face.

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