I dont like seeing you in pain.

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Someone's loud snoring woke me up and I groaned, rolling over unknowingly. I rolled straight into someone making me jump, my eyes shot open and I looked up. Ronan O'Connor was lying in my bed. With me. The both of us were still fully clothed so I was relieved that there wasn't a possibility that something I'd regret had happened. I froze for a few seconds waiting for him to open his eyes but instead he rolled closer to me, his arms reaching in his sleep and I quickly shuffled away.

As wriggled away towards the edge of my bed my inevitable hangover had already started, my head throbbing at the same time as blurry memories came racing in to remind me of last night. I remembered Ronan picking me up, carrying me into the house and that he'd admitted lying about seeing someone to get a reaction out of me. I couldn't help but glance at him, he was lay on his side his dark eyelashes brushing the tops of his freckled cheeks. His mouth was hanging slightly open, snores escaping his lips as he slept peacefully. He looked so vulnerable like this, so child like and I wanted to keep this memory of him so I could always remind myself that as terrifying as he came across to others he wasn't.

I gingerly rolled out of the bed, hoping to sneak out and make myself look appropriate before he woke up. It was then that I was brutally reminded I'd fell off the stage at the clubhouse, a horrible pain tearing through my leg and making me topple over. I yelled in pain, landing with a loud thud. I heard the springs in my mattress squeak and as I looked over the bed I noticed Ronans disoriented face. I was whimpering in pain, soon clearly the sleepy haze from his eyes faded and he was looking around for me.

"Shit, Ava." He rushed out, his voice sounding extraordinarily deeper than usual and even though I was overcome with pain I was slightly mesmerised by the sound of it. He was jumping off from the bed, rushing around in front of me. "What happened?"

"Fuck." I choked out, trying to hold my leg off of the floor. Beneath my fishnets, my ankle had swollen and discoloured into a dark purple colour. Ronan had already noticed what was going on, he was throwing on his cut before returning to crouch beside me.

"Put your arms around my neck love." I did as he told me, hissing when his hand slid beneath my legs and he hoisted me into the air. I could feel his muscles flexing beneath my legs and the warmth of his palms heated my skin. "Hold on." Tears were burning the backs of my eyes, the pain unlike any I'd experienced before and I'm sure my awful hangover was amplifying it. Ronan toyed open my bedroom door with foot before shouting loudly for Sierra.

It took a few minutes before she stepped out from the kitchen and alarmed look on her face. "What?"

"Get the front door, I need to get Ava to the hospital." He ordered. Sierra was confused, a coffee cup cradled between her hands. "Sierra get the fucking door." She quickly put her cup down, rushing to the door and throwing it open before Ronan marched through it with me in his arms. He was careful not to knock my foot but instead caught my head against the doorframe. "Shit sorry." He murmured after I'd yelped.

"Where are your keys?" Sierra snapped, looking panicked as she still wasn't one hundred percent sure what was happening. I couldn't talk, my voice thick with a lump as I continued to cry in pain.

"Right pocket." He turned to the side letting his sister rummage through his pocket. "Hurry up Si." She tugged at him before being able to free the keys. She pressed a button and I heard the truck unlock before she was rushing to hold the door open. Ronan wasted no time in helping me inside of the truck, I balanced on my one good foot to shuffle into my seat properly. He quickly leaned over, pulling my seatbelt into place.

Sierra handed him his keys as she stepped closer, her eyes widening as she looked at the foot I was keeping off the floor. "Fuck Ava what did you do?" Ronan glanced at her, looking overly concerned.

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