I just wanna talk

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I didn't care that I was now soaking wet, the rain making my hair cling to my face in heavy strands. I didn't care that I could hear my feet sloshing in puddles as I pushed my legs to run as quick as they possibly could. I didn't care that my lungs were burning so hard and I was on the verge of an asthma attack, I just needed to get away from the cemetery. My apartment block was coming into view and I stopped, leaning against a nearby wall to take in a huge intake of breath, filling my lungs but it wasn't enough.

I needed to move quicker now, hopefully make it to my apartment before my body gave up due to my lack of oxygen. That was my main focus now, I didn't need to think about how Milo had just told me Mac was loose out for vengeance or how Ace had just put a bullet into his head or how Ace hadn't told me any of it. I knew I hadn't asked and I couldn't blame Ace but I did. If he'd told me I would've already filled out those Yale forms and be on a plane.

I was practically dragging myself up the stairs, clinging onto the bannister for dear life. Axel had always said how an elevator needed to be installed here, I agreed with him now more than ever. Tears were still streaming down my face as I panted, struggling to take in ragged breaths that hurt my chest. I was finally at my front door, my vision already beginning to blur as desperation clawed at my insides.

With shaky hands I managed to pull my key out from my bra, missing the lock on the first try but managing to slot it in on the second. I forced the door open, falling onto my knees as soon as it had. I cringed at the impact, my knees stinging but I didn't stop. I needed to get my inhaler, I knew where it was and I crawled until I pushed open Axels room. I hadn't been in here since he died yet here I was crawling desperately.

I nearly knocked over his bedside table when I scrambled through the top drawer, my hands gripping the inhaler. My lungs were easing, the inhaler soothing the burning sensation yet my heart was still beating erratically. I took as many puffs as I could until I finally felt normal again. I let the inhaler fall to the floor, slumping against the furniture while looking around the room. Rain droplets were rolling down my cheeks and I felt too weak to wipe them away.

I was looking at Axels posters that decorated his room, remembering how he'd enthusiastically shown me all of them before asking me to help put them up. I closed my eyes, tears burning my eyes as I refused to let them free. I wondered what Axe was doing now, was he with mom and dad? Watching me cry pathetically in his bedroom?

I heard my front door bang open and I jumped, my eyes widening as I realised I hadn't taken the keys out of the door. I held my breath, hoping that whoever was here wouldn't find me. I heard heavy footsteps but they'd stopped before reaching any of the bedrooms. "Ava?" I nearly gasped, throwing my hand over my mouth as a cold terrifying feeling washed over me. I was already wriggling away from the door, slowly edging myself under the bed.

This brought me back to the night Ace had found me under here but I already knew it wasn't Ace out there. I pushed myself up into the corner of the bed, as far as I could go. I held my breath, still watching the door with wide eyes and silently cursing myself for leaving it open. "I know you're in here Ava, I watched you come in." I pressed my lips together, fighting the urge to scream at him to leave me alone. He was getting closer and I could hear him opening doors.

I could now see his shoes, mud caked into the bottom of them as he hesitated coming into the room. "Son of a bitch." My heart rose, filled with hope at the sound of Aces voice. Mac turned for only a second before he was flung into the bathroom door. Aces trainers were in view now and I heard the grunts of men as they engaged in a fight. I couldn't move, too scared to have to look Mac in the eyes again.

This all went out the window when the both of them dropped to the ground, Ace pinned beneath Mac. Mac punched him his face forced to the side, our eyes instantly connected. Aces eyes widened with panic at the realisation I was actually here and I could already hear him silently trying to tell me no as I wriggled out from the gap. Mac followed his line of sight, eyes beginning to light up at me.

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