I dont want to talk to you

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The next few weeks passed by terribly slow and I'd spent every single night back at the apartment. I hadn't heard anything about Mac, anything about what or how my brother died. I made regular visits to Ace, bringing him food each time. It usually ended with me being in the bed with him before a nurse came to wake me up to tell me visiting hours were over. This carried on until Ace was finally released from hospital, I hadn't seen him much.

Ace spent majority of his time on club business apart from the night time, he always managed to turn up dead on the dot at nine. Except last night he didn't. I'd barely slept because it was Axels funeral today and the fact that Ace hadn't even text me. Neither of us had spoke about what was going on between us and for now it seemed the better option. Too much had happened to talk of something so simplistic as a relationship.

A few days ago Gunner had dropped by with a letter for me, a letter from Axel. He looked solemn when he handed it over to me, quickly explaining that Axel had wrote it years ago for me in case something bad happened. Well that bad had happened and I dreaded what was awaiting me on the pages. Tahlia had also dropped by a few times, making sure to check up on me but things didn't feel right with her.

She wasn't as happy as she usually was, she'd even stopped wearing makeup and it had only made me worry about her. She assured me it was nothing and I believed her until she turned up last week in floods of tears. She'd apologised and apologised to me for coming here but felt like she had no where else to go. It was then that she told me how things had changed between her and Milo.

He'd been drinking all the time, sneaking out and begging her to keep secrets from the club. She didn't tell me what they were, not wanting to involve me any more than she already had but I had a guess of what or rather who. Mac. It made me wonder what had happened to him to send his brother so far off of the rails. Tahlia finally admitted that she wanted to leave him that he was growing abusive but she was petrified to tell her father. I'd nearly done it myself until she begged me to give her some time. I promised I would.

I had just finished getting ready, not bothering with makeup because I already knew I'd probably end up just crying it off. Someone knocked the door and I dropped my shoes to the floor, rushing over to throw it open in hopes of it being Ace. My shoulders sagged and tried to smile politely at the mailman as I accepted a big brown envelope as well as a couple of other letters from him.

I went to close the door when he held his hand up, pushing it back open while holding a clipboard in his hand. "The brown one needs to be signed for." I frowned but dotted my signature along the the line before thanking him and closing the door. I sunk into the chair at my kitchen table, looking down at the different letters before me. A few of them were handwritten and I presumed them to be sympathy cards before pushing them away from the large big one.

I held it between my two hands, examining it closely when my eyes zoned in on the logo in the top corner. I ripped open the corners, pulling free a stack of papers and separating them from the top one. My heart felt as if it were in my throat, my eyes shooting back and forth as I reread the first line over and over again.

Dear Miss Ava Buckley,

On behalf of Yale Law School I am delighted to offer you a place on our Public Interest Course for next semester. As you know here at Yale we have a rich history of academic excellence and we review hundreds of applications with only the highest of standards. Your conduct as well as the wonderful letters of recommendation and other contents of your application lead us to believe that you will make an excellent addition to our Public Interest Program.

Enclosed with this letter will find all the necessary forms for your enrolment. Pleasure ensure that these are filled out and sent back to us before the 15th of December 2022. This will ensure your spot within the school and facilitate the enrolment process. If you have any problems then please do not hesitate to contact us at (203) 432-4992 or alternatively email us maria.hastings@yale.edu.

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