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The hospital had been quick, luckily the only thing broken were my ribs and I'd been told that a lot of pain meds was the only way to deal with them. They couldn't fix broken ribs and I needed to just heal at home. Ronan had argued that they needed to do something, nearly making the doctor cry before I told him I was okay and all I wanted to do was go home to sleep once they'd recasted my ankle. Which is what he did.

He helped me shower and after gently helped me into one of his t shirts. He clambered into bed with me gingerly, putting his arms around me as I lay my head against his chest. I couldn't believe that I was back with him, that he'd found me. He hadn't let go of me from the moment he found me, he held my hand while he drove and helped me up his stairs. I was glad to be in his bed, with him. Today had made me realise life was too short and all I needed was my family, the love of my life. 

It had turned out that Ace had only said yes to the deal because he had a plan for both of the clubs to swarm the rebels, they wouldn't of stood a chance with both clubs. Ronan had realised once he'd calmed down that I was gone, he'd rushed out to find me but instead only found my crutches and when he'd tried to call me with no response he knew something had happened. He called up his guys who had just been attacked by the rebels when one of them told him they'd been warned about me, all of it added up. This set Ronan into full president mode, he'd put everyone on the lookout for rebels before beating them for answers. Some of them were loyal and some of them panicked revealing our location, either way they all ended up dead. The rest were soon to follow, ronans words.

So now Ronan and I lay in bed together. I pulled myself up, grunting away my pain before I looked at him. "I want you." I told him. I'd been thinking about being with him for a while but after today I didn't want to risk losing one another without having one another completely. This was all I cared about, to be honest I was no better than a man.

"I'm not sure that's a wise idea." Ronan mumbled sleepily, a lazy grin on his face. "You're all bandaged up."

"I know." I rolled my eyes playfully, swatting at his chest. "But I don't want anything to happen to us knowing I haven't given you all of me Ronan. You deserve all of me."

He searched my face, before pushing himself up onto his elbows. "We have the rest of our lives love." He brushed a light kiss against my lips and I pressed myself closer, hoping to deepen the kiss further. I needed this, I needed him. I bit his bottom lip when he refused my tongue entry and he groaned into my mouth, welcoming me. Our tongues battled for dominance and before I knew it he was rolling over on top of me, holding his weight off me. He pulled back, his hair loose and looked down at me. "Are you sure?"

"Please." I whispered, looking at him from beneath my lashes. "I need this." That was all it took before his mouth devoured mine, his hands bunching up the bottom of his top and revealing me naked to him beneath it. He kissed gingerly over my bruises, taking extra time over them and peppering them with kisses before he lowered himself down my stomach to the place I craved him most. I hadn't been with anyone before and all of this was new to me but I hadn't expect his mouth on me to feel so good.

He sucked and kissed before putting his fingers in my centre. He groaned, looking up at me. "God you taste so good love." My cheeks heated at his comment but slightly enjoying the compliment all the same. I bucked my hips, shivering under the loss of his mouth on me but he wasted no time in returning to me. I moaned aloud, praying his mother or sister wasn't home. My hands were woven into his hair, gripping tightly which seemed to only encourage him. I could feel something knotting in my stomach tightly, something getting closer before I was pushed into bliss and the knot uncoiled. I saw stars as an even louder moan escaped me.

He smirked at me knowingly, pushing a finger back into me as he rose. He kissed the side of my mouth just as he placed his thumb against my sensitive nub, he was taking his time and it was both amazing and infuriating at the same time. Now that he had moved I could feel his hard erection pressed against the inside of my thigh, I trailed my hands against his back, lightly dancing my fingers lower until I felt the waistband of his shorts. He froze, looking down at me. "Are you sure?" He mumbled against my lips.

I kissed him. "I've never been so sure Ronan." He smirked again, the sight nearly stopping my heart before he pulled back. He pulled down his shorts and I swallowed as I watched his erection Bob freely. He was so thick and long. He chuckled at my amazed expression before caging me in with his arms and hovering over me again.

"Not too late to change your mind Ava." He whispered and I shook my head, throwing my uninjured leg over his back and pulling him to me. The head of his cock brushed the outside of my entrance, sending an unforgiving heat into the base of my stomach.  He groaned, burying his face into my hair. "You're going to be the death of me."

"Fuck me Ronan." I whispered seductively into his ear. He pulled back, pulling my hands above my head.

"I'm not going to fuck you Ava, you don't fuck the love of your life. I'm going to make love to you and then for the rest of our lives i will fuck you like I hate you." The threat made me squirm beneath him with excitement, forcing him to brush up against me again. He sucked in a sharp breath, his bottom lip tucked beneath his teeth. He moved his hips, lining us up before looking at me. "I love you."

I smiled up at him, freeing one of my hands to wrap my arm around the back of his neck. "I love you Ronan." He put his hand in between us, lining himself up with me before gently thrusting his hips forwards. A sound of pleasure mixed with pain erupted from my lips and he cringed.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, pressing a kiss to my head as he slowly pushed deeper into me. He gave me a few seconds to adjust before he finally started a breathtaking rhythm.

We'd made love until I was comfortable with his size and afterwards he'd introduced me to a world of pleasure I'd never expected. In fact I'd lost count of the amount of times we'd had sex until the both of us were exhausted, wrapped up in one another. "Good night Ava." He whispered, pressing a kiss to my head before pulling me against him. I tiredly muttered in response bidding him goodnight before I felt my eyelids grow heavy and I was lulled into a peaceful world.

I was back at my apartment, I was pushing open the door and dropping my keys into the vase on the ledge that led into the kitchen. Shock seeping into my veins as I recognised the man waiting for me.


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