I can fix this

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We'd been followed to the hospital by Ace and if Ronan hadn't of been there I think I would've launched myself at him for a second time but it turns out I didn't have to. The moment we entered the emergency waiting room John had knocked ace to the ground from a single punch because he hadn't expected it. I'd been rushing as quickly as I could on my crutches, Ronan slightly helping me along the way. Ace had been rushing in front of us, painting the perfect picture of concern although I had a feeling it was a facade for the other club members.

We'd rounded the corner, John pacing before he realised who had just entered the room. He'd moved like a flash, one minute he was by the reception desk and the next he was stood over Ace as he groaned on the floor. Gunner struggled to contain his father, arms wrapped around his waist as he fought against him eager to let loose on Ace. "This is your fault!" He yelled, pointing an accusatory finger in his direction. "They don't know if she's gonna make it and it's all your fault Ace!"

My heart sank at his words and I felt my blood run cold, Ronan glanced at me warily but I could barely see him through the fresh set of tears in my eyes. If I hadn't been so upset I think I'd of hit Ace with my crutch as he finally clambered back to his feet. "John I didn't know, I sent Cain out to sort it." Ace wiped at the blood that had bubbled up on his lip.

"It's not Cains job!" John retorted, trying to pry Gunners hands from around him. "It's yours! You're the fucking president, Cain isn't your errand boy and you sent him out there blind just like you did Axel."

Ace straightened out instantly, no longer nursing his fresh wounds. "Don't John." He warned, his tone was harsh and sounded scary but the older man didn't look the slightest bit fazed if anything he looked even angrier.

"Cain and my daughter are fighting for their lives in this hospital because of your stupid decision making!" His voice was getting louder, the other people in the waiting room were watching nervously. I'm sure everyone recognised the cuts that they all wore and what it meant, if a fight were to break it they all knew how ugly it could possibly get. I guess they had a right to be nervous.

I frowned when I realised he'd said that Cain was also here too, a fear gripping me at the thought of loosing my only two friends I had. "What do you mean Cain too?" My voice was shaky and I nearly choked on the tears that accompanied them but Johns face softened at the sight of me. His eyes scanned my body, focusing on the blood that stained the front of my dress and hands.

"He was outside with Diesel, he got shot a few times." I swallowed a lump in the back of my throat, the action nearly suffocating me as I tried to remember if I'd seen Cain on the dance floor. I hadn't seen him since at the table because I'd ended up dancing with Ronan but I remembered seeing Diesel with Ace firing shots at whoever had crashed Tahlias wedding.

"Diesel was inside." I tried to argue but I knew it was a lost cause, John wouldn't lie to me especially at a time like this. He relaxed in Gunners arms which made his son finally let go of him, he kept his hands in the air for a few seconds after watching John warily as if he were going to lunge if he got too far away.

"He came to get me." Ace spoke, his eyes barely meeting mine. "He told me that Cain had been shot but they burst through the doors before any of us could get to him." I sucked in another sharp breath, pain stabbing at my chest and i wobbled against my crutches.

Gentle hands closed over my shoulders, veering me towards a nearby chair. "Sit down love." Ronan muttered, helping me into a chair before turning on the group of men. He looked irritated and it shocked me because it was very rare he shown his emotions to others, especially Ace. "I wanna know what this is all about and who did this."

Ace opened his mouth to argue, the words of 'you're not apart of the club' or 'this doesn't concern you' forming on his lips before it was instantly shot down. "I'm not asking you." Ronan snapped, his voice deadly serious. I was actually quite surprised when Ace only nodded. "John tell me what happened."

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