Future Daughter In Law

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I woke up to a war cry, a sound that had both Ronan and i jolting up from our slumber. His bedroom door was hanging open and before I knew it Noah was launching himself on top of us. "What the f-" he paused, eyeing the stern looks on both mine and Ronans faces. "Fudge knuckles." He finished with a sheepish grin. He was knelt on top of Ronan and I, looking at us both in confusion. Ronans head flopped back onto his pillow with a groan, throwing his arm over his face while I smiled at our nephew.

"Well good morning to you too." Noah slumped back onto the balls of his feet, leaning back on his little arms as he narrowed his eyes at us both.

"Why are you in uncle Ros bed?" My eyes widened in realisation. Spending nights with Ronan had become apart of my daily routine which meant it was normal to wake up in bed with him but this wasn't normal for Noah and strangely I felt guilty as he looked up at me with those bright blue curious eyes. Ronan had moved his arm from covering his face before wriggling away from me, his other arm slipping away from my waist. He patted the empty space between us, silently encouraging Noah to lie there.

Noah didn't waste a second in launching himself between the both of us, wiggling his little body and nearly knocking me out of the bed completely. "Be careful Noah." Ronan warned before Noah uttered a quiet apology. After Ronan was sure that Noah was apologetic enough he snaked his arm around his shoulders, pulling him to his side and holding him there. "So you know how your mommy loved your daddy?" Noah nodded, eyes glued to Ronan as he spoke. "Well I love your auntie Ava." Noah cringed, pulling a face as if he'd just sucked on lemon slice.

"So you're boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Noah turned his head to look at me, his curls bouncing as he did. I nodded, taking in his reaction. "Ew Auntie Ava Ronans gonna give you cooties!" I laughed loudly, smacking my hand over my mouth to try and silence the sound in case Ronans mom was still sleeping.

Ronan shoved at Noah's shoulder playfully. "I do not have cooties!" He argued before tickling Noah. His giggles filled the room, causing a smile to break out onto my face. Eventually Noah managed to crawl away from him, clambering on top of me seeking protection. I wrapped my arms around him, trying to keep him away from Ronans searching hands.

"You so have cooties!" Another voice joined, all three of freezing before looking up at Sierra. It was the first time in forever that I'd seen her in something other than her scrubs. She wore a fluffy dressing gown that was tied at her waist with bunny slippers on her feet. She was smiling at us all, leant up against the doorframe. "Noah why are you not in your bed?"

Noah sat up, earning a quick oomph as he pressed his hand against my neck to push himself up. He quickly moved it away, eager to crawl towards his mom down the bed. "I came to see Roro." He stated before throwing what could only be described as a disgusted look over his shoulder. "But auntie Ava is here too!" He leaned forwards, beckoning for his mom to come closer. She leant towards him, her arms crossed over her chest as he cupped his hands and whispered, "did you know they're boyfriend and girlfriend like you and daddy were?" Sierra laughed, standing back up straight.

"Yes Noah." She told him. "Now come on granny's made yer breakfast, lots of pancakes to be eaten." You didn't have to tell him twice, he barely looked back as he bolted straight out of the bed. I could hear his footsteps the whole way down the hall and even down the steps. Sierra shook her head before looking at us apologetically. "I'm sorry he always wakes Ronan up when he stays here. If he's here." She winked before pulling the door shut without saying another word.

"Thank god." Ronan groaned, his arms sliding around my waist and crushing me against his chest. His nose brushed the top of my head as he buried his face into my hair. He let out a quiet groan, his arms squeezing me. "This sounds so stupid but why do you fit so perfectly against me?" I shrugged my shoulders, a smile playing on my lips. He sighed, a happy sound that warmed me from my head to my feet. "It's because we're made for each other." He whispered, making my heart beat faster than before. I opened my mouth to talk but was silenced by the sound of his mom shouting up the stairs.

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