Whats his problem?

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I was shocked into silence, I didn't know what to say and I had no idea if being his ol' lady would be a good idea especially now. Although a part of me was thrilled of the idea, of being with him officially even though I knew it came with more baggage than the average relationship. With Ace came the club and all of its troubles, troubles that had caused me to loose my family. I wasn't sure id ever be able to forget that, I wasn't sure I could ever mend my relationship with the club either.

However I was starting to wonder if id ever be able to escape it, even if I took my offer at Yale I'd still be under the clubs watch. Tony was still apart of the club and he seemed to be the reason as to why I even got that letter yesterday. God my whole life always circled back to the club and even though I'd lost my parents and Axel to it I was still wrapped up in its drama. I hated to think the only reason I was still connected was because of Ace, it made me question if later on I'd grow to hate him because of it if I chose to stay. I wouldn't want to hate him because of it but if I lost anymore to the club I'm sure I would.

Being connected to the club at this point seems to be a repeated cycle of loss and I wasn't sure I could take anymore. Yet I was also wondering if this was my fate now, was I spending too much time fighting the inevitable. Maybe I was never meant to become a lawyer and leave town, maybe it had already been decided I was meant to stay. But be Aces ol' lady? I wasn't a hundred percent sure that was the answer either.

Being an ol' lady for any club member can be difficult but being the presidents ol' lady was even harder, I couldn't be half in, half out or pick and choose when I wanted to interfere. It was all or nothing and I wasn't sure I had any all left in me. I didn't know what happened at the police station for Ace change his mind, it was just last night that he'd decided that it would be a good idea for now.

"I don't know ace." I admitted and he nodded, withdrawing his hand. He looked disappointed and for some reason it hurt more than seeing him upset over it. "I just don't think the timings right."

He frowned, looking down at his hands before looking back up at me. "And when is the right time?" I was taken aback by the sudden fierceness in his tone, I opened my mouth to talk but closed it when I realised I didn't know how to answer him. He scoffed, a harsh breath of air that had me recoiling from him. I brought my hands up to my chest as if they were my armour, protecting my heart from his harshness. "I need you Ava."

"I'm here aren't I?" I snapped back, using just as much menace as he'd done to me. He shook his head, running a hand through his hair before standing. "Why can't I just be good enough for you Ace?"

He shook his head before beginning to pace, he stopped to look at me for a second. "You are good enough."

"So why do you need to label it?" I pressed, annoyance coursing through my veins. I remembered the doctor telling Tahlia I had high blood pressure, I bet it's through the roof right now. "Why can't things just stay the way they are?"

He groaned, rubbing at his eyes angrily before dropping his arms back to his side. "Because!" His voice was raised now and it only irritated me further. "Things are about to change Ava and I need you by my side."

I snorted, shaking my head at him. "What happened to this being my decision?" I asked him. "What if I take the Yale offer, what then?" His face fell and it dawned on me that he had been feeding more lies, he didn't want me to take the Yale offer he was manipulating me. It was like reverse phycology and it infuriated me that he'd had me hook line and sinker. "You lied to me, if I leave you're not gonna wait for me if I decide to go to Yale."

He sighed, looking more tired than he had when he first entered the room. "I want to wait for you to do whatever it is you wanna do but things are changing and I'm not sure I can do them without you."

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