You are powerful

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Ronan didn't speak to me the entire drive to his house, I hadn't spoke to him either not knowing what to say. I was overwhelmed with a mixture of feelings that over all made me feel more than terrified. I was worried something was going to happen to Sierra and wasn't sure I'd be able to calm down until I saw her. I knew that Ronans club were at the hospital protecting her but I'd been face to face with the rebels and I knew they didn't care, I'd also never met anyone from the luckies which meant I didn't know how good they'd be at keeping her safe.

"Ava." Ronans sharp tone broke me out of my reverie and I blinked rapidly before my eyes finally settled on him. He wasn't driving anymore but now on the other side of me, his arm leant against the passenger door as he held my crutches out to take. I pressed my lips together, silently taking them from him and letting him help me down from his truck. Once I was on the ground he closed the door behind me, I brushed past him only for him to stop me.

Instantly I froze, already looking around as if he'd seen something. When I realised there was no one out here I glanced up at him questioningly. "Are you okay love?" He asked me, pools of honey searching my face. I nodded, appreciative that his tone had softened and he didn't look as angry as he had on the way here. He sighed, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and holding me to him. He pressed a firm kiss to the top of my head, his hand holding my face against his chest. "No one will ever hurt you as long as there is air in my lungs Ava."

"I don't care about me." I admitted, my voice a lot more shakier than I'd anticipated as I became riddled with emotion. "I'm worried about your sister, our nephew and everyone else that's gonna get hurt because I tried to be someone I'm not."

Ronan pulled back, staring me in the eye seriously. "You saved Cains life Ava when you did what you did." He paused, his eyebrows dipping slightly as a muscle in his jaw jumped. "It was Ace. If I had been in his position I'd of burnt every single one of those fuckers for even thinking about hurting you let alone trying to."

My shoulders sagged and I looked towards Ronans front porch. From the front it looked quiet, a typical family home actually and a light was on in one of the windows. I cringed at the thought of being here, at the thought of trouble following me and destroying it. Ronans finger and thumb gripped the bottom of my chin, forcing me to look at him. "You're safe with me Ava, you always will be." His eyes searched my face, checking to see if I believed him and I did but I wasn't sure what I was going to lose, what we were going to lose just to protect me. "Let's go inside."

I wanted to stay out here, to try and convince him that this would all go away if he just them what they wanted but I knew I'd be wasting my breath. He had a look in his eye that made me not want to push him too much, I feared what his reaction would be if he finally lost it. So instead of saying or doing what I really wanted to I followed Ronan into his house, trying to keep quiet in case Noah was asleep.

Ronans house had a similar lay out to my own, when you entered the kitchen was to your left and the sitting room on the right. His house seemed a little bigger though, having an upstairs where as mine was all one level. I glanced into the sitting the room, noticing the blonde hair sprawled out on the sofa. Ronans mom had fallen asleep, the lamp behind the sofa illuminating her face as she slept. Ronan smiled down at her adoringly before pulling off a throw blanket from the back of the couch and throwing it over his mom, tucking the blanket beneath her chin. She made a noise in the back of her throat before rolling the opposite way, now facing the back of the sofa taking the blanket with her.

Ronan nodded towards the spiral staircase and pointed, telling me where I needed to go. I cringed at how loud my crutches sounded on the wooden floor not wanting to wake his mom up and by the time I'd gotten half way there Ronan had stopped me. I cringed, worried that they'd annoyed him even further but he smiled mischievously which made me frown. He crouched down, his arms pushing against the back of my legs and taking me completely by surprise. He'd lifted me into the air, carrying me towards the stairs.

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