Our Fair Maiden

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So, just a heads up, we won't be hearing from Turbo yet. This update had to be split into half due to how much information I crammed in consisting of how (Y/N) came to be, and I felt having the full background behind that, plus Turbo would just be a reader overload. This split should allow for a smoother pace, so this chapter is fully dedicated to (Y/N) first appearing in KC's life. So, I hope you enjoy!

Sugar Rush, King Candy's Castle- (Day 1 of (Y/N)'s arrival)

(King Candy)-

I sat for what seemed to be about 20 minutes or so before our soon to not be house guest awoke. I could have done something else with the time, but I had to make sure she didn't wander off once she awoken.

The moment I heard the shuffling of someone moving, I turned to see that the woman that I had accidentally spawned in now stiffly sat up on my bed. She slowly blinked her (e/c) eyes for a moment, shifting them to analyze her surroundings.

I immediately sat up and tried to compose myself.

"Well, I can s'ee that you have woken up. You probably have a lot of questionth boggling around in that head of yourth right now", I greeted her in a tone that sounded as welcoming as possible.

The girl stopped looking around and turned her attention towards me. She didn't say anything and she instead stared at me with a blank expression. I found the way she looked at me very unsettling. I know I shouldn't find it unsettling, as Sourbill always gives me this sort of expression, but unlike Sourbill, who usually looks like he is about to spit out something sarcastic, this girl's eyes gazed at me as if they lacked any life.

"Eh... Well, allow me to introduthe mythelf. I am King Candy, the king of thith land. Right now, you are at my cathtle, inthide of my master chamberth", I introduced myself.

For a moment, the girl only blinked a few times before she got herself up from my bed.

"I know who you are, your highness...", she states in a voice that lacked so much emotion, it sounded nearly robotic. She bends slightly to bow to me. Okay, she is a tad creepy, but this should make it all the easier to deactivate her.

"Oh, um- right... And you are?", I gestured towards her.

She blinked a bit, as if she was processing the information. "Of course, how rude of me not to introduce myself. I am (Y/N), (Y/N) (optional Y/MN) (optional Y/LN)..", she plainly states, as she stiffly bends to curtsy. Got it! I'll just be on the lookout for her code then!

"Hoo-hoo, well it ith a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)!", I chuckled, nodding my head. (Y/N) nods her head in turn.

"It is an honor to meet you, too...", she uttered.

I nodded, as I turned around and began to leave the room. Time to revert my mistake..

".. Wait, your highness?", (Y/N) spoke up.

I stopped in my tracks and turned back towards (Y/N).

".. Yeth? Is there thomething elthe you need?", I asked her, trying to seem considerate.

".. Why am I here?", (Y/N) questioned.

"Um.. Well.. We don't really quite know ourthelves. We were jutht keeping you around the castle for now so that we can figure that out", I lied to her.

(Y/N) believed it and nodded in response.

"Right.. Well, if you want, feel free to wander around the cathtle interior", I offered to her, as I turned back to walk out of the room.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now