Hiding Out in the Hideout

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Sugar Rush, the Castle- [1997]


I had waited until I was certain the princess fallen asleep. I was already walking down the neon-lighted passageway to the Code Room. Coming down here wasn't much of a problem, especially since there isn't many guards that patrol the castle's interior.

I finally pause at the sealed door, pulling out my inscribed note. The moment of truth!

"Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right... B, A... Start...", I whispered under my breath, as I pressed the controls.

The thick, white vault door opened to reveal a vast space filled with codes. Whoa my! This is going to be so much fun!, I had thought. As I was about to walk through, I stopped for a moment.

Wait, I can't just walk off of the platform... This game's Code Room is so vast! I have a likely chance of drifting off beyond its boundaries and despawning. I need to get myself a sort of anchor...

I thought about it for a bit, until I recalled there was yards of thick liquorice rope inside the castle's supply closet. Luckily for me, that supply closet is located here on the first floor!

I quickly, but stealthily ran over to the supply closet. Sure enough, the rope pile was there. I grabbed it, but before I left, I noticed a toolbox filled with padlocks. I picked one up, then I have thought of the many chests scattered across the castle. You know, I am going to need something to lock the residents' memories with... If I could use one of those chests, plus this padlock, I would be able to lock up their memories! Brilliant!

I placed the padlock into my jumpsuit pocket, as I lunged the roped onto my shoulder. I went back to the passageway to drop off the rope, before heading back out to find one of the chests. I wondered for a bit before finding one along the nearest hallway. I bent over to lift it. Surprisingly, it was very light.

After I brought the chest back to the Code Room, I was now ready to explore Sugar Rush's code.

I grabbed the liquorice rope and tied it tightly around myself, tying the other end to one of the pipes running through the Code Room. After a few test pulls, I believe I am ready to step off into the game's code. I grab the light-weight chest I brought with me and hopped into the sea of code.

I float around for a bit, trying to find where all the game's deleted content is. So far, I have only ran into the game's currently used codes. I'll have plenty of time to explore through these later. I've already passed by the codes to Sugar Rush's active racers, the Kart Bakery...

After some exploring and carrying this chest around, I finally pull up to a section where the codes look different compared to the others. While the ones I had passed by glow with a purple hue, these ones had a variety of colors, and almost none of them were glowing. Huh. Now I'm curious...

I float over to the nearest strain of code to get a good look at it. It was labeled Programmer's Note. I double tapped it to open it:

Programmer's Note-

We at Tobikomi had massive plans for this game. We originally planned for Sugar Rush, to have some form of story plot, complete with backstory and character personalities. It was to be even bigger than our previous hit game, Fix-It-Felix, Jr. Unfortunately, it just wasn't in our budget, so we had to make do. We had left in many of these scrapped plans for the game to be explored, tinkered, whatever. This will include a series of characters and race tracks that didn't make it into the final cut.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now