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Sugar Rush-[1997]


The arcade had just closed. I took this opportunity to check this new game out myself. If I recalled correctly, this game is plugged in where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game used to be. I could tell from the graffiti tag I sprayed at the entrance, back in my glory days.

So far, I have taken into note the ridiculous amount of pink here. It's clear where the "Sugar" came into play. The bridge I crossed was made out of rainbow stripped candy, the trees are mostly made from candy canes, even the mud and grass here are made from candy. I am beginning to worry that my eyes are melting from the bright colors!

Now that I understand this game's "Sugar", I must find out where the "Rush" comes from.

I had continued walking along the candy path. After some walking, I heard it. The starting of engines, the rearing of tires along the track; it was all too familiar. I emerged from the candy cane trees to see the stands, filled to the brim with an audience- candied, but an audience. I stood where I was, watching the cars park at the start line.

"Attention, my loyal subjects!", I heard a girl's voice on the intercom. "I know, today is our first day of being plugged in. None of us are entirely used to each other, but that hasn't excused us from following our code and making our first day a success!", the girl enthused, as the crowd and the racers cheered.

"Now that we know that today has been successful, we shall strive again to ensure the same goes for tomorrow. And on that topic, as we are all getting used to our code, I have found something a little interesting about our programming...", the girl had paused, as I leaned closer to get a better look at her. On the highest stand- that was designed to look like a bucket of popcorn, with the initials "KC" on it- stood a little girl. She looked to be no older than 12, but it was clear from the crown on her head she was royalty. I watched, interested in her next words.

"... I have found that we are programmed to select a new batch of racers at the end of the day, seven days a week".

"But aren't there only seven days in a week?", questioned a young, green-pigtailed girl wearing a candle helmet. Wow, despite that candle, she is clearly not the brightest, I judged.

"...", the princess responded with silence. "Anyways, I bet you are all wondering,'how are we gonna determine our nine racers for the next day?'. Well, our programmers have decided that when our game is put into a sleep mode, that we are to hold a race to select our top nine to enter into the Random Roster. To enter the race, we should all redeem a gold coin that we have earned from either winning, or just collecting on the tracks. Since not everyone has been on the roster today, I shall gift a gold coin to everyone else so that we may have a fair chance", she curtsied, as her subjects either nodded in understanding or clapped from enthusiasm.

Interesting, I had thought, despite how young this monarch is, it doesn't seem to affect her ability to rule. I had somewhat even admired how this girl addresses her subjects. But I came to see what this game offered. It is clear now that this is a racing game, and I want nothing more than to take it. As I look at the crowned girl, I have a feeling that despite her leadership, she is bound to be naive.

By now, all of the racers have paid their fees. "Now it is time," the royal began," to let our first Random Roster Race commence!", she joyously hyped, as she pulled down a tassle that revealed a slide. She slid down into her white, sugar-coated kart and turned on its engine; everyone else hopped into their karts, ready to race.

I shall have a little talk with her majesty, but first, I am curious to see how this game works. I snuck even closer as I watched the race displayed on screen.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now