Moment of Clarity

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Previously, on A Candy-CODED Love-


"HAVE THOME CANDY!~", Cybug Candy menacingly declared his iconic catchphrase as he slammed Ralph to the side, breaking down a pillar of Mentos. I flinched, seeing the giant man get flung aside so easily.

I gave a quick huff, as I gave one last attempt to do a solid double-jump. As I braced myself, Candy curled up into a ball once more and dashed towards me. I sighed as I prepared to phase through his hands once again, but I didn't. Instead of trying to grab me from the air with his hands, he hooked me by my coat with his front cybug legs and yanked me towards him. His cold and metallic chest pressed against me as his legs cradled themselves around me, leaving me bounded.

"Don't even THINK about phathing out thith time!", He threatened, craning his face over me so I could see his sharp-toothed scowl.

I only whimpered in response, feeling it best to comply. Candy then turned his attention back towards Ralph, who had recovered and was running back to one of the weak spots of the mountain.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!?", Candy growled, his grip tightening around me as he curled himself into a ball and started making his way to Ralph; I felt myself get dizzy as I was spun along with him. There was then the abrupt stop, as Candy had grabbed Ralph by his legs.

"I AM NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET!- And I'll deal with you later, (Y/N)-", he sadistically chuckled. "UP WE GO!!!", Candy then gripped his claws onto Ralph's flannel as he sprouted long and pink, insectile wings before he took flight.

His laugh was menacing, fear building up as we were lifted high into the air- the distance between us and the Mentos top of Diet Cola Mountain increasing. I could only fear that we weren't going to make it out of this unscathed.


The wind was pounding in my ears as it rushed around us. Candy continued to laugh maniacally as he continued to carry us high up into the air. I felt my heart thumping, as the ground below us got farther and farther away. I was so scared and so cold from being pressed tightly against Candy's metallic chest.

Ralph on the other hand was dangling in Candy's grasp, his claws digging into his flannel shirt. From up here, neither of us had the choice to squirm; doing so would obviously send us pummeling down before the swift thud of a GAME OVER.

Far into the distance, we could see Felix, Calhoun, and Vanellope, all of them still fending for their lives. Gusts of movement could be seen from Calhoun opening fire onto the frontline cybugs. A few of the metallic insects were vanquished, but this wasn't enough. It seems that outside of game, ammo was limited as the movement of bullets came to a sudden halt. The ferocious blonde then toxic are gonna aside in frustration, having lost their only means of self-defense. She shouted to the others before all three of them began to slowly back up towards the game's exit. They however found themselves cornered; Vanellope still couldn't go beyond the barrier. Calhoun got into an alert and defensive stance, and Felix pulled out his golden hammer, preparing for the worst to come to them...

"VANELLOPE!!!", Ralph and I cried out. At this moment, we both struggled in worry. Ralph especially started to kick, wanting so eagerly to race over and rescue the young girl.

"Oh-ho! Look at that, it'th y'all'th little friend!~", Candy said maliciously, as he tossed Ralph about along his bottom legs. I quickly felt his upper-inner legs in turn tightening around me further, the tips of his claws digging into my sides as I now felt it harder to breathe. Candy then held up Ralph and encased his lower legs around the wrecker. "Let'th all watch her die together, shall me?~", he insisted, holding his claws firmly onto Ralph's head and forcing him to look out towards Vanellope and what seemed to be her demise.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now