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Quick note that King Candy has a lisp, so he'll pronounce almost any "s" sound as a "th". Same rule also applies to any "s" sounds in your name.

Sugar Rush, King Candy's Castle- After the Arcade Closes


I was doodling on some paper when I heard the familiar honks. I looked out the window to see the king approaching the gate in his Royal Racer, with Sourbill in shotgun and the officers' bikes behind him.

Finally! I had dashed out from my makeshift room and ran down the stairs at full speed. I was about four floors up, so by the time I ran down, the king was already inside. The officers must have headed elsewhere.

I stood in front of King Candy and Sourbill, catching my breath. "Welcome back your highness!", I curtsied, still huffing.

"(Y/N), you really ought to be careful!", King Candy began to chid. "You could have gotten theriouthly injured from tumbling down thothe flight of thtairth!"

"Sorry, King Candy. I am just excited to have you back", I apologized.

"Aww! Did you really misth me that much?~", he teased, Sourbill beside him merely rolling his eyes.

"It's... It's nothing like that. I just feel there isn't much to do while you are away. It's more fun in your company", I answered, slightly baffled.

"But there'th plenty to do. You have plenty of bookth to read, and you can explore the groundth!", King Candy stated.

"Well, I don't mean to look the gift horse in the mouth, but I had just recently read and re-read all the books", I respond.

"Already?! You haven't even been here for two monthth!", he exclaimed, astonished.

"Yes, I have read all the books. And no, I haven't been here for that long, but when one isn't allowed to race or leave, one certainly has too much free time", I witted.

"Alright, thmart gal. I'll get you new bookth, but you thtill can't rathe", King Candy smuggly declared. He began to walk towards the dining hall. I followed along behind him.

"Well, my king, if I still can't race, may I at least explore outside the castle walls? Please?", I begged.

"Is exploring the cathtle groundth not enough?", he asked, with a slight saddened tone.

"I'm sorry King Candy, but it isn't exactly 'exploring' if I am being watched over all the time. It also makes me feel very uncomfortable. You already have Oreos guarding the front gate, why do I need some following me? Isn't that a bit excessive?", I reasoned.

King Candy stopped for a moment to consider this. "You do make a valid point. The cathtle ith thurrounded by wallth, and the guardth are already set up at the gate", he concluded. He approached me and places his hands on my shoulders. "If it maketh you more comfortable, I will call off the additional guardth. You are to still remain within the wallth, but I will give you more freedom", he offered.

I looked him in the eyes. It wasn't much, but it was enough to satisfy me for now. Without much thinking, I hugged him. "Thank you, King Candy!", I thanked.

My hug took King Candy by surprise. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw him start to blush. I was thinking of pulling away from embarrassment, when he hugged me back.

"You're welcome, (Y/N)", he said with a smile.


Later That Night

(King Candy)-

I can't sleep, I feel restless. I looked around my room as I tried to pinpoint the cause of my insomnia. I sat up from my bed, and looked at both my sides. I haven't realized 'til now how much empty space my king-sized bed had.

Am I lonely?... no. No, of course not! I had never needed anyone before. All I had ever needed was me and my fans! Besides, I have Sourbill and a whole kingdom to keep me company, and now, I have (Y/N) here, too.

... that's just it. I haven't truly felt like I needed anyone before, but ever since she came, I felt... different.

I began to climb out of bed and slipped on my slippers. Maybe I will take a walk around the castle. Should take my mind off things... I lit a candle before quietly exiting my room. I slowly closed my door behind me.

I roamed the halls in my red pajamas. Though I was walking to get my mind off (Y/N), it couldn't help but backtrack to her.

I recalled when (Y/N) first spawned. Around the first week, I felt rather uncomfortable around her; I had never knew what to say. In the start, she was strangely polite, and sometimes she still is. Even when she first woke up, she had immediately addressed me as "my king". While I didn't mind it, it kind of puzzled me that she would have looked up to me that quickly. It wasn't until later that we started to talk more, and we started to connect. When we became friends, (Y/N) started to call me by name more often than she did the titles.

I began to lose my train of thought, when I realized I had already went up a floor. As I walked further, I saw that I was approaching the library. Maybe it'd be a good time to check on her.

I opened the library door slowly. I saw (Y/N) lying on the couch, swaddled up in the blankets I had given her. Looking at her now, she'll eventually need an actual bed. She claims the couch is comfy, but judging from her arm hanging over the side, the couch doesn't give much space. The couch was an appropriate resting place for the first week, but it was already going to be the second month since she spawned.

Another thing I thought of was the lack of outfits (Y/N) owned. She only has one outfit she wears everyday- the one she spawned with. When she showers, she has Sourbill re-wash her outfit, and she'll stay in the bathroom until her clothes are ready. Even now as she sleeps, she is wearing the same outfit, she just isn't wearing her jacket, shoes, or accessories.

...I got an idea. I planned on doing something about her lack of apparel. I slowly closed the library door before heading down to the throne room. As I approached, I thought about (Y/N)'s living situation. Perhaps, if she's comfortable with it, she could share my king-sized bed.

When I got down to the throne room, I immediately turned towards my throne, and went in back. I had gone behind the curtains, heading towards the Code Room.


End of part
So how are y'all liking it so far? Let me know. If you have questions, try to wait until later chapter updates, and we'll see if they are answered. :D

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now