Assisting a Glitch

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Sugar Rush, The Castle- [1997]


I sigh to myself as I leave the library. Hmph, fourth day... Nothing.

I go down the few flight of stairs to head to the dining room. I approach the table when I arrive. Princess Vanellope was already seated. She looks up at me and nods her head. I nod back. I silently sat myself at the chair opposite her.

The both of us waited in silence until Sourbill finally came with our meals. For dinner, we we're served plates of Swedish Fish with a side of Boston Baked Beans and a Tootsie Roll. I merely picked at my food. Even though I was hungry, any spoonful I brought to my mouth caused my sore teeth great pain. No matter how many times I've brushed my teeth(people think I don't brush them, but my programmers were the ones that cursed me with yellow teeth!), I feel like I might be getting a cavity or two from all the sugar I've been eating I also think I might be gaining a little weight...

As we ate, Sourbill approached the princess.

"Is there anything else I can help with?", he asked her.

"No, sir. That was all we needed. You can have the rest of the night off now", she told him.

"Alright. I was planning on heading to the Game Central Station to familiarize myself with it", he explained in his monotone voice.

"Really?! Do tell me all about it when you get back!", the princess asked with an excited envy.

"Will do", he stated. He gave me a quick glance before he left.

After dinner, I headed back to the library. I sat back on my couch and took this time to release some blitz of built up corruption. It's hopeless! If I don't find that Code Room soon, I might not be able to make it. All this sugar is starting to get me sick! I am going to die of poor health if I don't do something soon!

Knock! Knock!

Someone is at the door!

"Turbo, it's me, Princess Vanellope", I heard her call from behind the door. "May I come in?".

I try and force the corruption back into me. "Sure!", I replied.

The young monarch came in, although she wasn't wearing her usual pink, poofy dress. Instead she wore a plain mint-green nightgown. The nightgown itself was long sleeved and the skirt reached down to her ankles. It also had a large, thick bow of red licorice at the front, as well as two identical, but thinner strands on the sleeves. I also saw that she wore stripped green and white stockings at her feet, though they appeared to be mismatched.

"Hey, I just wanted to come and check in on you. You didn't exactly look at your brightest at the dinner table", Princess Vanellope explained.

"Uh... well... I'm just a little homesick, that's all...", I stretched the truth.

"Well, I was expecting as much. I'm certain transferring over to our way of life isn't an easy one...", She advised, sitting herself down on one of the library chairs. "... Don't worry. I'm still adjusting to being in charge, too". Yeah, that is obvious...

"... Might I ask princess, how are you still adjusting? It's in your code to be a ruler, isn't it?", I asked.

"Well, it has always been in my code to be a princess, but it hasn't always been in my code to rule...", she awkwardly states.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, as I said, I am the princess, but I wasn't originally supposed to be the ruler. I was just meant to be rebellious and adventurous, but my game developers decided at the last minute to mask over that part of me with... Well, my authority to rule...", she deflates. Interesting...

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now