Taken by the Cupcake Monster

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Tapper's- Before Going Turbo[1987]


I slouch in my stool, eyeing my rootbeer. Normally, I'd enjoy a glass or two after a good game session, but I didn't get the usual attention today. I barely take a sip from the rootbeer, but the caffeine boils my blood further.

I looked around the bar to take in my surroundings, hoping to bring me to my senses. Tapper went around to give the characters from Blasteroids their drinks. It is to be expected.

PacMan was having a chugging contest with Ryu and Ken. PacMan won as soon as he started by consuming the whole glass. That was obvious.

Then, there's the brute Wreck-It Ralph at his usual spot, drinking alone. Usually, I'd be on my high horse and be proud that I wasn't programmed a villain, but now I am starting to feel as low as him.

I take another swig of my rootbeer. As I gulped down my drink, I heard someone slam their hands on the table. I turned over to the table behind me to see Tapper arguing with a shady character.

"Look, I told you! No more rootbeer until your tab is paid off!", Tapper raised his tone with the character.

"Oh, come on man! Just one more drink?", the shady man begged.

"No means no. Either you pay your tab, or I am cutting you off", Tapper gave a final statement before walking off. The shady character slammed his head onto the bar table. I scoffed. He can't even pay his tab? How washed up is this guy?
I give him another look through. I haven't seen any other character in the arcade with his type of design. He can't afford to pay his tab and he's unfamiliar. Is he homeless? I started to feel a little better about myself. Well, I might be feeling as low as Ralph, but at least I can still pay my tab.

I was about to take another sip from my mug when I saw a racer from Roadblasters walking in with the Nitro twins from my own game. They were chatting and laughing it up. One of the twins saw me out of the corner of their eyes. He whispered to the others and they began to approach me, the twins smugly smiling. Oh great...

"Well, if it isn't the hotshot Turd-o! Just what are ya doing here, drinking all alone?", the twin, Blast sarcastically asked.

"Well, I wouldn't say that I'm alone...", I began to say.

"Yeah, because you're so full of yourself that you don't need anyone else!", the other twin, Boost interjected. The twins high-fived at that remark. Please, just go away already...

The Roadblasters racer came up to me. "So, you're the Turbo that Blast and Boost were telling me about? You don't look nearly as big as they say you talk", he confidently stated.

"Hey! I am one of the best in my game! I have helped numerous players reach the highest scores possible , and I have all of the trophies to back me up!"

The lead racer rolled his eyes. "That may be true, but that's only in your game. You couldn't possibly last half a minute in my game", he down talked.

I felt my blood boiling with rage. "Now listen here... umm...". Urgh, what's his name?!

"The name is Brad"

Uh, that's such a basic name! "Listen here Brad, I can become the master of your game if I wanted to!"

"Oh really? Do you really think you can handle driving to the finish line while having to worry about your gas and needing to shoot down other vehicles with a cannon? Last I checked, all you do in your game is move horizontally across a screen", Brad remarked, raising an eyebrow.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now