A Dangerous Deal

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Previously, on A Candy-CODED Love-


"Wait, I... I was deleted?", I questioned with a quivering lip. I felt my heart sink at hearing this. Suddenly, all the flashbacks I have had are starting to make sense.

"Yeth, you were...", Candy said, as he put another clawed hand over my head and started to pet me; I flinched at the feeling, not very much in the mood for it. "..., but I believe they were more than mithtaken in their choice. Once I get you fu'sed up with another cybug, your mainframe should be thtable enough to let you leave, and you will rule alongthide me as my queen!", he said, as he moved to hold me under both palms.

"What do ya say? Does that thound like something you'd want?", he asked me, grinning wide with pointed teeth.

No! No, it is not at all what I want at all!...

But if I say "no", how will I be able to be of help to Ralph with my small stature? I mean, maybe I could still be of help, but... Maybe if I say "yes", I could better use my new body to our advantage, but would I even be able to make it?


(You chose "Yes")

I nervously gulped.

".. Yes, I.. I accept your offer", I answered, as clearly as I could.

"(Y/N), you can't be serious!", Ralph yelled fearfully, as he tried to scramble to get back up.

"OHH, GOODY!~ I jutht knew you'd make the right choithe!", the Candy Cybug giddied, before he gave me a big kiss- which felt more than off, considering that his lips were now big against my face. I groaned a bit, as I wiped off some of the slobber from my face.

Candy giggled, before he moved over to the edge of the mountain's peak. Down below, we could see a small gathering of cybugs scavenging bits of candy trees and rocks. They were trying to tear apart whatever they could for scraps.

"Now, keep in mind: this ith going to hurt A LOT! ... I love you!~", he eeriely chimed, before he whistled to the cybugs down below to get their attention. Wait, WAIT!!! I think I made the wrong choice!

It was too late. Candy launched me off of the palm of his hands, screaming as I plummeted downwards. The cybugs that were below immediately looked up at me, getting finicky at the sight of me. They instantly expanded their wings, flying upwards towards me at a rapid speed. I watched horrified as they soon got competitive, turning to fight and ramming into each other to determine who would get to gobble me up. The closer I got to the ground, the closer I got to my potential end.

Not even three seconds later, and one of the cybugs zoomed out of the fighting horde and came straight for me. It happened so fast, I didn't even have enough time to prepare myself to phase through it.

The moment the cybug caught me in its agape mouth, I felt an immense pain surround my body. The robotic insect's teeth tore into me, causing a sensation that made it feel as though I was being shredded into pieces. I felt nothing but a constant coldness, coming from the combination of metal teeth and my own gushing blood, until I couldn't feel a thing at all.


I then began to feel myself come to. I opened up my eyes, feeling a little groggy. What just happened?

I began to wonder, as I start to get myself up; then I notice the vibrantly colored claws in place of my own hand. I was immediately startled, until I realized that they were my hands. I gazed at them, flexing my fingers and turning my wrists. As I gazed at them in disbelief, I then realized that my hands weren't the only things that changed. Following my gaze along my arms, they were completely metallic with jutting joints. My heart sank as I quickly recalled what had just happened: I was eaten alive by a Cybug, and now I am a Cybug hybrid.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now