Clash of the Cybrids

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Previously, on A Candy-CODED Love-


"Oh, wonderful~ Now Ralph, I should thank you for making me the mo'st powerful viruth in the arcade, but it'd be more fun to ki-", Candy began to monologue to the wrecker; he would have finished, had I not punched him in the face.

The impact of my fist had caused Candy to tumble onto the ground, but not before letting go of Ralph, who I was able to grab before he made a nasty landing. Ralph's eyes were now wide with shock, he looked at Candy before looking back at me.

"To be clear, the pest wasn't you.. What? Did you really think I'd turn on you like that?", I inquired, giving him my usual friendliest of smiles. I could tell that even with my intimidating teeth, I still had my contagious smile.

"Haha, (Y/N)!!! You really had me there!", Ralph laughed in relief, his frown now a smile.

"... Yeah, you really had me there too...", Cybug Candy groaned, as he got back up, rubbing the spot on his cheek where he took the punch. "I didn't even think you'd be able to throw a s'wing like that", he mumbled, before he spat out a loose fang. Ralph saw and gave an impressed whistle.

"Well, you'd be surprised what I can learn to do. For starters, I figured out just how to bend my answers so you wouldn't tell I was lying", I stated with a glare. Candy's frown twitched, realizing what I now knew. ".. Just how long did you think you'd keep me from finding out about my flaws?", I sternly asked.

Candy didn't immediately respond. Instead, he only laughed, which started out small, but progressed to a maniacal one.

"HAHAHA!!!... I knew you ever getting out of the cathtle would pothe a threat. I knew that even keeping you wath going to be a hasthle..", he stated, his glare on me now feeling like ice. I could only feel my confidence fade, as I watched his face glitching between Candy to Turbo. ".. I knew I should have deleted you when I had the chan'ce", he finished his statement, sadistically laughing some more, as he was now back to standing on four legs.

I didn't have a response to this, only feeling a sense of dread progressively build. He wanted to delete me? So why didn't he when he had no problem doing it to Vanellope?.. Was he just using me this whole time?

"Now, as much as I would have preferred not to do this, I am afraid that I am jutht going to have to kill the both of you. This ith your latht chance to apologize, (Y/N)", he offered, smiling with his twisted grin as he offered me his clawed hand.

"... I am sorry sire, but I don't apologize for punching you. You deserve more than that for sheltering me with your life of lies", I growled with a fake sincerity. Candy's twisted grin then turned into a dark frown, putting his extended hand back down.

"Wrong ans'wer, thweetheart...", He hissed, positioning himself for the attack.

All I knew now, were that things were about to get messy...


Just at that very moment, Candy lunged at me. With a quick reflex, I managed to dodge in the nick of time. The cybrid king flew over my shoulder, my body lowered to the ground.

"HURRY, RALPH! Set off this mountain while I handle Candy!", I shouted, as I let the wrecker out from my grasps. With that said, he immediately darted out towards that weak point in the mentos deposit. Before I could even turn around, I was yanked by my tail. I yelped from this sudden pain right when I got flung overhead and crashed hard against the hard gum. 

"I am th'orry, but who exactly is handling whom?~", Candy mocked, as he gave my tail another hard yank before he let go and rolled over to Ralph. He flashed out his claws and aimed to kill the 9 foot fellow, but Ralph dodged fast enough that Candy had instead got his hand stuck in between the mentos. Realizing that his hand was stuck, he gave his arm a few quick yanks to get it loose.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now