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Previously, on A Candy-CODED Love-


"G-guys? W-what's going on?", I inquired. I then held my own hand in front of me, only to see that my pixels were vanishing. "Wh- what's happening to me?!", I yowled, now scared.

"(Y/N), pl-pleathe don't worry! It-it'th going to be okay! Everything ith going to be okay!", Turbo hastily tried to reassure me, his grip on my other hand tightening once again. It wasn't much use though, as I continued to see I was fading.

"T-Turbo... I don't feel so good...", I uttered, feeling my head get light.

"I-I know! B-But I promithe, t-that you'll be fine!!", He shouted, small tears forming in his eyes.

That was all I saw, before I felt myself be put into a sleep.



Hero's Duty- The prisons (the following day)


At the moment, I lay on a hard, cold prison bed in a cell that was just as cold and empty. A quick look around the room and it is seen that these walls are heavily enforced with solid brick, complete with prison bars synthesized from lasers to keep outlaws or renegades like me in check.

After last night's episode, with (Y/N) being sent back to the Code Room, I had lost all of my sense. I wanted to bring her back as soon as possible, but there just wasn't the time for it. Wreck-It Ralph, Fix-It Felix, and that Calhoun lady all had to go back to their games before the arcade opened, but nobody trusted to leave me alone in Sugar Rush. Instead, the Serge cuffed me for the second time and tossed me into her ship's cargo, bringing me back with her to her game. When the other generals and such questioned why she brought me back, she only told them I was "a hoodlum that was causing trouble during her mission". She didn't bother to tell them who I was; despite being tempted to, she wasn't gonna tell the other soldiers in her game my "infamous" tale just yet- otherwise, they would have opted to do something far worse with me...

Whatever the case, I have been laying here for hours, but it feels even longer than that. While all I could hear from the outside was the constant gunfire of the soldiers and the obnoxiously loud soundtrack of this game, all I could think about was home. I already know that I haven't had a true home in years, but (Y/N) sure did help in making Sugar Rush feel like one. Please, I don't even want revenge or anything of the sort right now; I just want to bring (Y/N) back...

Countless gunshots continued to echo from the outside. They were practically never ending, yet I've started to manage to tune them out. My eyes got heavy as I was close to dozing off, but then I heard the laser prison bars being deactivated.

"Alright Road Rager, get up! The arcade has closed, so I am taking you back to Sugar Rush. Now sit up as I place these cuffs on you; don't even try to resist arrest!", Sergeant Calhoun barked, as she held out the same pair of red and black handcuffs. I sighed, as I reluctantly got up.

"If you weren't going to tru'st me to be out of handcuffth, then why even bother taking me back?", I muttered, hissing as the cuffs tightened around my wrists. The Serge then turned me towards her, her face stern.

"Listen! I don't trust anything about this arrangement! I would honestly rather leave you here in this cell until nothing is left but your corroding helmet. The only reason I am taking you back to that game is because I refuse to have further casualties on my mission reports; if that little lady friend of yours can be brought back, you seem to be the only one that knows how..", she explained, before she bent down to stare me face to face. "Understand this: my taking you back to Sugar Rush isn't in anyway forgiving you of your crimes- you are merely serving as the meets to an end. Do I make myself clear?", She debriefed with a growl.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now