A Long Day's Rest

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Sugar Rush, The Castle- [1997]


It's only been the second day since I got here, and I still haven't located the Code Room.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to explore the castle today. The princess had invited me to come along with her and Sourbill to watch the Random Roster Race.

While we were in intermission, I noticed that some of the racers were staring at me. I looked and saw some others huddled into a group, as they talked amongst themselves. They were obviously gossiping, but that wasn't of my concern.

When Princess Vanellope approached them, my interest was now perked. I used my corruption to get closer, taking cover along the stands, so I could better hear their conversation.

"Hello, my fellow racers", the princess greeted the group, whom have now turned their attention to her. Out of the group, a platinum blonde girl in a pink racer suit and a strawberry hat went upfront to address the princess.

"Why hello, your majesty~. Can we help you with anything?", she asked, but it didn't seem quite sincere.

"Umm... Taffyta, right? I'm sorry, I am still having my code sort itself out", Princess Vanellope asked, apologetically.

The group gave a small snicker at their princess' nervous comment. "Yes. Taffyta Muttonfudge is the name, don't wear it out", the lead blonde stated, with her head held upwards.

"Right. So I don't physically need anything from you guys. However, as your ruler, I wanted to check in with how we are all doing on our third day plugged in, and if there is anything I could do for you".

Taffyta looked back at her group. They all shared a glance, gathering their thoughts. Taffyta looked back at her princess.

"Well, we are doing fine, actually. The players really seem to love us", Taffyta seemed to glow as she said this, her group smiling and nodding in agreement.

"That's great! ... I mean, I am grateful that you are all having a spectacular experience", Princess Vanellope tried to keep herself composed.

"Well, we appreciate what you have done for us, but may we talk about...", Taffyta's eyes momentarily found me before turning back to the princess,"... the 'Outsider'?", she attempted to whisper. The 'Outsider'? Really?

"What's the problem with him?", the princess asks, befuddled.

"Well, we don't really mind him, but does he really have to stay here?", she sarcastically asked. "He doesn't exactly belong here". Wow, I see. She is that type of girl...

"Well, where else can he go? He doesn't exactly have anywhere else to stay. Besides, he won't be a problem if he doesn't race with us during arcade hours", the princess reasoned.

Taffyta's frowned. "Well, still. He isn't one of us, so he isn't to be trusted. Besides, have you seen his face? He's what you get if you personify a cavity!", she spitefully whispered. Okay, ouch...

"Taffyta, that is just uncalled for! And what is with this distrust of characters not from Sugar Rush? Have any of you even left this game yet?", the young royal questioned.

"Well, why bother? Nobody else really came to visit us but the 'homeless racer' over there", Taffyta rudely answered. I gave a frown in her direction.

"Oh, come on now! Just.. Give him and the arcade a chance, alright?", Princess Vanellope warmly smiled.

Taffyta rolled her eyes. "Okay, whatever", she exhaled, before putting a lollipop in her mouth.

Well, I certainly don't like that Taffyta, and I don't know what to think of her followers. However, it seems they really aren't fond of 'outsiders'. Maybe I can use that to my advantage...


Sugar Rush, King Candy's Castle- Present Day(later on that same day)


"Uuhhh", I groaned.

As recommended, I took the day to relax. I haven't really done anything since my head was still throbbing, even after taking those painkillers.

I was debating on whether to read a book, or train my logic skill by practicing Chess. It'd make sense that I should try to take a nap and ease the pain, but I have already taken several of them. As a result, my body is keeping me up so I could use that energy.

I had hesitantly gotten up so I could get the Chess board, when I heard the familiar honks of King Candy's kart. I was excited to have my king back home! I was about to dash down the stairs as I usually do, but the moment I turned, I felt a sudden wave of vertigo pulling me back. Feeling weak, I decided to lie back in bed.

A few minutes later, King Candy entered the room. To my surprise, my king looked weary. His clothes were wrinkled and, though his eyelids were usually purple, his eye sockets are nearly black.

"My king, are you alright?!", I asked, concerned.

"I.. Yawn~... I'm fine.. I'm just very tired. Heh, I told you before, I didn't get any thleep after you hit your head", King Candy utters, removing his coat and untying his bowtie. As he put those aside, he dragged himself to his side of the bed.

"Oh. Alright..."

"By the way, are you feeling any better (Y/N)? I hope you were able to retht well", King Candy turned to check on me.

"Well... I guess my head has gotten better, but it's still aching badly..", I tried to put to words. It is true that the pain has eased from earlier, but I didn't want to worry anyone.

"Aww~ I'm tho thorry to hear that (Y/N). Ith there anything I can get you?", he asked, as he looked at me with saddened eyes.

"Well.. Nothing I can think of right now", I concluded.

"Alright then. That'th fine with me", he said, before giving me a kiss on my cheek. I felt my cheeks go pink. Before I could say anything, King Candy wrapped his arms around my waist.

The sudden embrace shocked me. I turned to my king, my cheeks burning. He had tiredly laid his head on me, smiling to himself, his eyes resting.

He fluttered his eyes open to look at me. At first, he looked at me warmly, but when he saw my shock, he gave me a bit of an apologetic look.

He began to let go from his embrace. "I'm.. I'm thorry. I got a little carried away", he apologized.

I was still a little shocked. I snapped out of it almost instantly.

"It's... It's alright, my king", I stated, my cheeks still feeling hot. I turned towards him and hugged him back. "It actually feels nice".

King Candy found this a pleasant surprise. He shifted himself in the bed to properly hold me.

We laid, cuddling in the bed. I looked up to see that my king was sound asleep. You know, maybe I can stand to have one more nap...

I closed my eyes. After a few minutes, I drifted into sleep.


End of part

It's about time I brought myself to finish another chapter. Yes, I am self aware of how cringe this could've got, but it's often to be expected from most fanfics.

We are going to meet another friend of ours in the next chapter. Now just who might that be?

Ciao, see ya soon!

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now