A Longing Want

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Game Central Station- A Few Years Earlier [1997]

I have grown tired of hiding. It has been almost a decade since my incident with Roadblasters. I had barely been able to escape with what was left of my partially corrupted code before almost getting unplugged.

For so long, I had used my corruption to my advantage. With my game unplugged, I had nowhere to go, but I had used my corruption to blitz into games and shadows without being noticed. I had moved from game to game to keep from being spotted, avoiding violent shooter games to ensure I didn't die.

So far, no one has spotted me; and thank goodness, since I had became so popular! Alas, I can't keep this up for long. My corruption hasn't gotten any worse, surprisingly, but I feel I need to try and settle down so I could repair it, but I just haven't found the right game.

The arcade was about to open. At around this time, I either moved along with the dense crowds, or tried to hide under the benches. It was going to be just another typical day of hiding, when I heard it.

Da Ding!

I had looked up from the bench I was hiding under.

"It's a plug-in alert!", I heard a character shout. Suddenly, everyone within the station began to gather around the once empty socket. Intrigued, I got up and moved over to the crowd.

"I wonder what it is."

"Will these new characters be friendly?"

"A new fighting game?"

Everyone started jabbering their questions about what their new arcade addition would be. I got deeper into the crowd, everyone distracted by their own thoughts.

"By golly, I wonder how our new neighbors will like this arcade!", a familiar voice enthused. I looked over to the source of the voice. It was Fix-It-Felix. I quickly moved opposite his direction, I didn't want to risk getting recognized now.

I finally placed myself in between some Street Fighters and a few other tall characters. I wasn't directly in the front as I would have easily been recognized, however I was close enough to peek over. We waited anxiously for the moment of truth.


The game had finally been plugged in. The name Sugar Rush was displayed.

"Sugar Rush? Is it some sort of kids' game?"

"If the characters are anything like the name suggests, they must be real friendly!"

"Darn, I was really hoping for a fighting game..."

"These new neighbors sound like they'd be pleasant! Perhaps one of these days, I'll visit!"

As Felix and all the other players droned on, I had been caught up in my own thoughts. I had already started to part from the crowd. I didn't care much for Sugar, but the word Rush had perked my interest. Perhaps once the arcade closes, I shall pay these "neighbors" a visit.


Sugar Rush, King Candy's Castle- Present Day [2012]

I stared out the window of the castle library. I watched from a distance, as my king and the others circled laps around the track. Though they were far away, I was able to make out the dots as figures. I wasn't one for telling time, but I could tell from the camera, following only one of the players, that the arcade was still open.

"Uuhhhh!", I groaned. It has probably been less than two months since I had stayed in this castle, but it feels like years.

Everyday, I had followed a similar routine. I wake up, head down to the dining room, and I ate breakfast with my king in the mornings. We talk a bit before he heads out to race for the day. While he's away, I read whatever books are in the library, I doodled on paper I occasionally found, if Sourbill was here, we conversed for a bit, and, if I was feeling "adventurous", I walked along the castle grounds- with Oreo guards following my every step, by order of King Candy.

When the arcade closes, he doesn't return right away. He stays at the track to prepare for the next day's Random Roster, only returning when the racers have been selected. We spend the evenings talking about our day, eating dinner, sometimes playing a boardgame afterwards, and finally, calling it a day.

I stared with longing, wishing to race, but I can't. My overprotective king insists I am not allowed to race, or leave the castle. He can't even trust me to wander the grounds on my own! However, I am understanding. He tells me it could be dangerous out there, and that many things could happen to me. Besides, he took me in, so I should be able to trust him.

I turn to look around the library. Ever since I came, this has served as my room. When I first arrived, King Candy told me there weren't any spare rooms he could place me in, so he sent Sourbill to search all over the castle for a cozy room for me to use temporarily. Sourbill had came up with the castle library on the top floor. It has served me well. The cotton-candy couch was very comfy, so I used it as a bed. The king even provided me with pillows and blankets to use. There was also a large, round-table I use to either read or draw. The room was surrounded by bookshelves, so there should have been plenty to read, but with my inordinate amount of free time, I couldn't think of one I haven't either read or re-read.

I sighed, impatiently. The king was my closest friend, and as such, I always wished for him to get back soon. Maybe it was just simply that he was one of the only people that I could talk too, but I always felt connected to him. I continued to watch one of their many races. This race could end, and I'd still have to wait for him to return. Please let the arcade close, I wished.

End of part. Woah, took some time! Sorry if this didn't start out so climatic, but it'll have it's turns. I like to start off by giving some background info. Don't worry, you'll hear from the king soon! Also, do y'all like my character? I will properly introduce y'all to her soon. And about these drawings, I am not good with background, so don't always expect one. I am also practicing with gradation, and if it's too much trouble, I may stop using it all together.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now