Game Night

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Sugar Rush, The Castle-[1997]


After the Random Roster Race was over, I had followed the young royal back to her castle. Her castle was just as sugar-coated as her car.

Even though I am already here, I decided to wait some time after she got inside. It wouldn't be very smart to have them know right away that they were being followed.

As I waited, I began plotting. A game's Code Room is always at a major center point of the game. No doubt about it that this game's Code Room is inside the castle, but where in the castle? More importantly, how will I infiltrate the castle?

My approach has to be smooth. This game is larger than Roadblasters, so if I couldn't take Roadblasters by force, then what are the chances I could forcefully take Sugar Rush?

The young monarch is bound to be naive with how young she is. Perhaps she'd be kind enough to let me stay at the castle. I am homeless, and I was from a race game. Maybe I can strike a conversation, connect for a bit, tell her of my "situation", and perhaps she'd be kind enough to let me stay...

I felt I had waited long enough. I knocked on the castle doors. Seconds had passed by when a little, green ball opened the door.

"Yes?", he monotonly answered. The green ball looked at me with what appeared to be complete disinterest. Clearly, he's a little rain of sunshine, I sarcastically thought.

"Hello, my friend. I have heard that there was a new game in the arcade, and I thought it'd be nice to meet the new characters. I saw this castle from afar and thought I might introduce myself!", I faked enthusiastically, as I gave my prize-winning smile.

The green ball merely stared at me, as he raised an eyebrow(?). He looked me up and down, scanning for any sign of me being a threat. "Alright... I shall inform the princess", he simply said, after he thought he saw I wasn't a threat. He closed the door as he headed back inside.

I had waited outside for a few more seconds. Soon, very soon. I can feel it. This game will become mine! I began to chuckle to myself.

More seconds had passed before the door reopened. The green ball had emerged once again, only this, he stepped aside as he gestured inside. "The princess would like to see you now...", he declared. I said a "thank you" before I walked inside, moving along the castle carpet.


Sugar Rush, King Candy's Castle- Present Day(A Few Hours Later)


I grabbed a card from the deck. I flipped it over to find I got a yellow square. I moved my piece over to the yellow space that had the purple arrow. I moved my piece through the GUMMY PASS.

After dinner, the king and Iwill usually play board games. Today we are playing Candy Land. Wow, how original...

Even though I took the GUMMY PASS to skip a few spaces, it doesn't look to have improved my chances. King Candy's piece is all the way pass the Chocolate Mountain. He was merely a few spaces away from heading into the castle. If he drew a purple or a red square, he beats the game.

My king smiled wide and smug, as he often did when he was close to a win.
It was his turn to draw a card. He reached over and slowly drew the card for suspense.

He held it a few seconds before he brought it to his own eyes. When he saw what he got, his smile quickly faded as his eyes grew wide with shock.

I looked over as he laid his card down. I saw the pink square with the cupcake on it. He showed disdain as he moved his piece all the way back to the Cupcake Commons, the special place closest to the start. Now I am the closest to the castle.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now