Confronting a Bully

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Sugar Rush, The Castle-[1997]


Welp, third day, and still nothing. I had gone searching room from room, but I had to stop early since the Donut Cops started patrolling. They had just recently decided to have the cops start doing their jobs since everyone's code had now gotten adjusted to their game.

I sit on my cotton candy couch, thinking. I reach into my tracksuit and pull out my stained napkin from Dunderson. Despite how out of wack the guy was, he was right! It was because of his code that I am still even here.

My code blitz with corruption. I try to hold it all in when I'm around the princess and the others, then I let it out once I'm secluded. Even though I got corrupted from the collision in Roadblasters, I didn't get any further corruption thanks to the Exit command in the game's secret panel. Boy, I really was angry. I drove my car through Central Station just to get into Roadblasters!

My corruption jolted through my body again as I reminisced. I gritted my teeth feeling the ache. While my corruption doesn't bother me most of the time, I occasionally feel it messing with my code. It's a wonder how I have managed to stay alive. Once I find that Code Room, fixing myself will be the first thing I do.

Although, I know finding the right strain of code to plug-in with my own isn't going to be easy. In all the other games that I have entered, I was unable to find anything to help me in their codes. Sometimes, it was because of incompatibility problems with my code. Other times, it was because there was some sort of catch with the code, either it was protected or the mainframe was plugged too deep into the game's circuits to even copy.

I have learned a very important lesson some time ago to be cautious when messing with codes. I remember some time back( I believe it was in 1991) that Litwak's plugged in Sonic the Hedgehog. I broke into their Code Room thinking I could use Sonic's code to fix my own. Big mistake because Sonic's code had a strange anti-piracy protection. The moment I tried to hack into his code, I was denied access and I heard another code activate in the distance. I've thought nothing of it at first, but when I left the Code Room, I heard strange laughter. I ended up being chased by a demented version of the main character, with fast-paced music playing as he chased me. I had a near GAME OVER! If it wasn't for my corruption, I wouldn't have been able to leave his grasps. Fortunately for me, the thing couldn't leave its game. Man, I'd love to meet the wise guy dev that thought that was funny...

Still, I doubt this game has strange protection on its code, but I can't be too careful. How should I go about fixing myself once I find the Code Room?

I ponder on this, and then it came to me. In all my times going through other games' codes, I almost always found there was deleted content. There was always some sort of code for an inaccessible location, a scrapped storyline, or even scrapped characters. You know, it'd actually be a lot easier to hack the code of a character that is no longer around; there's less of a chance for it to be protected. Maybe this game will have some unused character I can use to repair myself... No, wait, I can do one better! If I am going to take this game, maybe I should change my looks all together. I finally don't have to hide anymore!

I chuckle to myself, as I lay myself down in the couch. Maybe I should take a nap for now. Gonna need all the energy I can get if I am going to find that room. I've got big plans for my future!


Sugar Rush, The Junkyard- Present Day


Ralph and I stopped at a hill to watch the racers as they parked their karts. I could see in front of them that Vanellope was working on something. She had paused what she was doing to confront them.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now