Caught in the Middle

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Previously, on A Candy-CODED Love-


"Wait, I... I was deleted?", I questioned with a quivering lip. I felt my heart sink at hearing this. Suddenly, all the flashbacks I have had are starting to make sense.

"Yeth, you were...", Candy said, as he put another clawed hand over my head and started to pet me; I flinched at the feeling, not very much in the mood for it. "..., but I believe they were more than mithtaken in their choice. Once I get you fu'sed up with another cybug, your mainframe should be thtable enough to let you leave, and you will rule alongthide me as my queen!", he said, as he moved to hold me under both palms.

"What do ya say? Does that thound like something you'd want?", he asked me, grinning wide with pointed teeth.

No! No, it is not at all what I want at all!...

But if I say "no", how will I be able to be of help to Ralph with my small stature? I mean, maybe I could still be of help, but... Maybe if I say "yes", I could better use my new body to our advantage, but would I even be able to make it?


(You chose "No")

"N-no... No, I will not join you!", I fearfully stammered, trying to firmly stand my ground despite my fear.

The cybug king blinked for a moment before he began to chuckle. Something about it just made me feel so uneasy.

"Oh (Y/N), I have half a mind to make you join me regardlesth, but you know what? Maybe it would be more interesting to keep you at thith size~ Hoo-hoo, if I can manage a way to s'tabilize your mainframe, I could eathily keep you all to myself~", he averred with a devious smile whilst petting me. I merely whimpered, fear burdening my heart.

"CAN'T YOU TAKE A HINT?! SHE SAID 'NO'; SHE WANTS NOTHING TO DO YOU WITH YOU ANYMORE!", Ralph roared at him, as he picked himself off from the ground.

Cybug Candy wasn't happy with this remark. His grip onto me tightened; I whimpered as I feel the increased tension around my body.

"KEEP OUT OF IT, YOU FLANNEL OGRE! SHE ITHN'T THROUGH WITH ME; SHE WILL NEVER BE THROUGH WITH ME, I WON'T LET HER!", Candy growled as he bared his fangs. My body shook a bit, as his own hands were shaking.

I was terrified, and not at all thinking straight. I quickly decided that I had had enough and I phased completely out of his hands. My shoes skidded against the Mentos ground as I took off running after my hard landing.

"-(Y/N)!!!", Candy shouted in alert the moment I got loose, as I could immediately hear his metallic, insectile legs take chase after me.

"GO ON RALPH! HURRY AND SET OFF THIS MOUNTAIN!!!", I hollered to him as I ran the fastest I had ever had to run.

Ralph gave a quick nod as he raised his fists up and got ready to bring them down onto the ground.

"-WOAH! I DON'T THINK S'O!!!", Candy scoffed as he doubled back to Ralph and jutted his clawed hand at him. Wreck-It Ralph had dodged in time to miss the sharp claws possibly impaling him, leaving the candy cybrid's claws momentarily stuck in the Mentos deposit.

Candy fussed as he pulled his hand out from the Mentos; he then turned back to me in time to see me do another double-jump, about to stomp down onto the weakened Mentos. "GAH-! THTOP IT!!!", He growled, as he curled into a ball and sped towards me. He then unraveled himself and reached his claws to grab me midair. Expecting this, I phased through his hands; I landed onto the Mentos uninterrupted, but I wasn't strong enough to break the barrier.

Wreck-It Ralph had gotten as far away from Candy as he could to get his best chance, his meaty fists once again ready to be brought down onto the ground.

"GET BACK HERE, LITTLE GUY!", Candy scarily chimed with an eerie grin, his attention now completely back to Ralph. Ralph saw this and quickly went back to running. I hoped that with this distraction aside, I could try once again to jump onto the Mentos. My legs were tiring from the increased physical activity, so I took a quick breather and gathered my strength back up. Glitched pixels formed around me as I started out with a simple jump- wasn't much, but I could have sworn I felt the tiniest shift from below me.

"HAVE THOME CANDY!~", Cybug Candy menacingly declared his iconic catchphrase as he slammed Ralph to the side, breaking down a pillar of Mentos. I flinched, seeing the giant man get flung aside so easily.

I gave a quick huff, as I gave one last attempt to do a solid double-jump. As I braced myself, Candy curled up into a ball once more and dashed towards me. I sighed as I prepared to phase through his hands once again, but I didn't. Instead of trying to grab me from the air with his hands, he hooked me by my coat with his front cybug legs and yanked me towards him. His cold and metallic chest pressed against me as his legs cradled themselves around me, leaving me bounded.

"Don't even THINK about phathing out thith time!", He threatened, craning his face over me so I could see his sharp-toothed scowl.

I only whimpered in response, feeling it best to comply. Candy then turned his attention back towards Ralph, who had recovered and was running back to one of the weak spots of the mountain.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!?", Candy growled, his grip tightening around me as he curled himself into a ball and started making his way to Ralph; I felt myself get dizzy as I was spun along with him. There was then the abrupt stop, as Candy had grabbed Ralph by his legs.

"I AM NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET!- And I'll deal with you later, (Y/N)-", he sadistically chuckled. "UP WE GO!!!", Candy then gripped his claws onto Ralph's flannel as he sprouted long and pink, insectile wings before he took flight.

His laugh was menacing, fear building up as we were lifted high into the air- the distance between us and the Mentos top of Diet Cola Mountain increasing. I could only fear that we weren't going to make it out of this unscathed.

End of Part-


School has been keeping me busy, but now I can say I am (somewhat) back in business!

I am sorry if this chapter wasn't all that great, but I didn't think ahead of time how small this part possibly would have been; I really hope I didn't botch it, hehe.

Other than that, I shall then head to work on the next update to my Fix-It Felix Jr. AU- got big plans for it!

Until then, see y'all :P

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now