Extra Content- Easter Eggs and Tidbits(pt1)

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Hey guys! So while I write the next chapters, I thought I'd like to let you know a little something first. I am personally fond of Easter eggs, and I thought I'd be cool to slip in multiple of them. Some of them will just be simple quotes you'll catch, others will be fully snuck in. If you'd rather find and understand some of these yourself, you don't have to read this.

I will list some of the Easter Eggs I've written into this fanfic thus far(appearances of other cannon arcade characters will not count towards this). So the chapter it came from will be listed on the left, and the Easter Egg and explanation on the right:

>Freetime- "If I recalled correctly, this game is plugged in where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game used to be". For those of you that don't already know, this is an actual game. I didn't just add this in here because I wanted to feel nostalgic, I literally rewatched the beginning of Wreck-It-Ralph seven times to figure out which game was plugged in before Sugar Rush. The latest game that was in that spot before was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game.

>Game Night- The Candy Land board game. Now this one isn't exactly an Easter Egg, as it's obviously out there, but the spaces and moves I've specified, I consider a tidbit. I literally had to play a game of Candy Land with myself to give an idea of how I'd like for this part to be written. It wasn't an exact play by play of what I did, but it made the results of this writing more accurate.

>A Thump in the Night- ""Hey, you... You're finally awake...", Sourbill sarcastically greeted". Hehehe, I had a chuckle typing this. Most of you probably saw past this and thought nothing of it. If you got this, you're either a Bethesda nut, or you just have friends that are obsessed with Skyrim and they know the intro word for word(or again, that could just be you that is obsessed).

>A Thump in the Night- "On a scale of 1 through 10, how would you rate your pain?", Sourbill calmly asks. A quote from Big Hero 6.

> A Long Days Rest- "I was debating on whether to read a book, or train my logic skill by practicing Chess". This is a nod to how playing Chess builds up the logic skill in The Sims franchise.

>Taken by the Cupcake Monster- Brad. I will let you know, I have done extensive research before I even started writing this fanfic. When typing this chapter, I realized that Roadblasters didn't actually have any named protagonist. While deciding a name for the Roadblasters racer, I read over the information on Roadblasters' history. I scrolled down to find that the name of the game's composer was Brad Fuller. I came to the decision from there that would be the name of our doomed racer.

>Taken by the Cupcake Monster- Dunderson. For those of you that don't know, Dunderson was actually to play as an ally to Ralph in the original plan for the movie. He was a prisoner from Hero's Call, the storyboard name for our now Hero's Duty. In the deleted scenes of Wreck-It-Ralph, you can see that Dunderson plays as an informant to Ralph by telling him of "the perfect" game. He even went as far as giving Ralph the cheat codes he needed for the "perfect living". I needed for Turbo to have a way of obtaining the Konami Code, and it was because of Dunderson's role in the deleted scenes that I thought he'd be the perfect guy to use. Now, let's just say, I am a fan of deleted content.

>Taken by the Cupcake Monster- The Konami Code. I also wanted to do extra research on the code in itself to give accurate information on it's capabilities. I wanted the code to be more than just a password, I wanted to make it seem like a skeleton key. The Konami Code, or the Contra Code, could be used for numerous purposes in many games. As I had Dunderson describe, it allowed access to special features for future games. I even had Dunderson indirectly tell you of when the code was first used- in 1986!

>Taken by the Cupcake Monster- ""Look, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to pull a Bowser; I just panicked!", the giant put his hands in front of him"... Do I even have to explain this? I mean, even non-gamers know who Mario and Bowser are.

>All Chapters- The timeline. The years I used in between each transaction- 2012, 1997, 1987- I didn't make up on my own. 2012, I went off of when the movie came out. 1997 was the year I resulted with when I googled when Sugar Rush was plugged in. Lastly, 1987 was when Roadblasters was first released!

Edit: Okay, I forgot to add one Easter Egg to the list... I knew I forgot something!

>Taken by the Cupcake Monster- ""Hey! Listen!", he whispers rashly". A quote from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's mainly iconic because of how repetitive and annoying it becomes each time Navi has something to say. This Easter Egg was so discreet I actually forgot I had it in here for that reason! I'm sorry y'all! xD

Well, what did you think of these tidbits? Have you learned anything new? Well, there shall be more as we go on! See ya soon!

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