A Risky Reboot

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Previously, on A Candy-CODED Love-


"Oh my LAN, what is wrong with (Y/N)?!", Felix worriedly questioned.

"It'th ath I was trying to s'ay, (Y/N) can overheat if she goeth pas't her breaking point!", I groaned.

At that moment, we could see a sugary dust erupt over Diet Cola Mountain, signalling that the Mento layer must have been broken. Not too long after, a glowing beacon formed as the broiling hot beverage spewed out of the mountain. We watched as the remaining cybugs flew into their acidic demise.

"Well, that takes care of the cybugs!.. So, now that little (Y/N) is overheated, what exactly does that mean for us?", Calhoun asked.

"I-I don't really know, but it can't be any better for Sugar Rush...", I uttered, as more of the sugary layerings of the rainbow bridge began to bubble nearer.
In a dreamlike state



It was dark and quiet. Everything was hazy. All I could see were glowing purple lights in the distance, and some dimmed multicolored lights that surrounded me.

I couldn't feel my own body. All I knew was that I was floating, forced into a cramped position.

I can remember everything now: every beta test I have been through, my original programmed purpose, and even the last moments before my deletion.

I was (Y/N) (optional Y/MN) (optional Y/LN). I was the lady-in waiting to Princess Vanellope Von Schweetz. I was also to be a racer, but I was put away because of my glitch. The developers couldn't fix me in time.

It was dull here. There are others besides me, but they didn't say much due to the fact that they were all put to sleep. Most of the time they were silent, but I could occasionally hear the wispy fragment of a thought.

Unlike the others, I wasn't fully asleep. Everyone else had the luxury of being shut down before they were sent here. I was still active when I was put away.

Before I was put here, I was horrified. One moment, I was about to race alongside with my princess, and the next my entire life was discarded. It hurt me deep into my binary just to think that all I was to the developers was another waste of data.

Despite everything, one thing that did bring me comfort was that there was someone that would wander around this area occasionally. I remember that within the first week of being here, I saw the blurred figure of somebody floating about. They were going through the codes of my fellow deleted characters, as though they were looking for something.

He even came over and tapped into my own code. I couldn't see him clearly. The only thing that did stand out to me then was the yellow glow from his eyes. I had no idea who he was then, but I know who he is now. Turbo...

I then remember him going over to the box of code next to mine: the code of King Candy. Even my actual king wasn't safe from deletion.

Once Turbo had gotten what he had needed from my king's code, he floated off further out into the stream of data.

After that, I didn't get to see him for the longest time. There were times where I could hear the loud echo of the vault opening, but he rarely ever came around my area.

I'd remain, hopefully waiting. I was hidden away for so long, but maybe I can finally be noticed. One day...


A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now