Extra Content- (Y/N) Drawing Activity!

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  Hey guys! As I promised very early on, I'd create small activities for everyone to draw their own OC's and karts associated with this story.

  First and foremost, We shall get started on drawing (Y/N). I plan on giving you templates to draw with.

  Before I do though, I shall properly introduce you to my OC, Theressa Truffla Treat- Tessa, for short. The candies she's built around are mainly small, fun sized chocolates, like truffles, bon bons and Kisses. Say hello, Tessa!

You have probably noticed I made a little change with her on the socks

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You have probably noticed I made a little change with her on the socks. I just thought they weren't unique enough at first. I have tried to update any media in previous stories regarding that, although I couldn't update one of the earlier photos.

  Anyways, we should get started on the character drawing! I will provide templates for those of you that believe you aren't so good at drawing. If you have confidence in your drawing, feel free to use your own style. Now this is my first time drawing out templates, but I hope these are helpful. You may modify as you see fit.

Step 1: Draw out the head.

Step 2: Draw out the body

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Step 2: Draw out the body.

Step 2: Draw out the body

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Step 3: Add the limbs

Step 3: Add the limbs

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Alright! Now that we have are (Y/N)'s figure drawn, we can get to the defining features

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Alright! Now that we have are (Y/N)'s figure drawn, we can get to the defining features. For most of these, like the hair and clothing, I recommend getting creative with, but I will give you ideas for facial features and jackets for your (Y/N).

 For most of these, like the hair and clothing, I recommend getting creative with, but I will give you ideas for facial features and jackets for your (Y/N)

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I hope you found this activity fun! Please, tell me what you think

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I hope you found this activity fun! Please, tell me what you think. Now I shall get prepared for planning and drawing out the rest of the story lines for this cringe, as well as a future Fallout 4 fanfic and animation. Ba-bye :3

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now