No Escape!

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Previously, on A Candy-CODED Love-


"(Y/N), are you alright?!", Ralph inquires, as he runs back over to me.

"Ralph, something is wrong with her! She started crying after she left the tunnel with Ki- I mean Turbo!", Vanellope worriedly informed him. Felix then thought of something and looked down the road.

"Wait a minute, Turbo is no longer on the tracks...", Felix mumbles, as he was starting to piece it together. At the mention of this, plus looking at all these bugs popping up, Ralph realized what must have happened.

"... Well, come on, we don't have time to dwell on that now. We need to get you all out of here, right now!", Ralph states, as he picks me up and places me on his shoulder. The moment he gained a hold on both Vanellope and I, Ralph and Felix immediately continued their charge over to the game's exit.

We were getting farther and farther from the scene, but I did not look away from the carnage. All my grave emotions sank down into my heart.

"... He's gone...", I mumbled, as I continued to stare at the tracks, which were now a great distance from us.

"I know...", Ralph responded halfheartedly, as he kept running with us.

And I could have done something...


I was still being held over Ralph's shoulder, as he ran with Vanellope and I over to the game's exit. I truly couldn't feel the urgency of the situation, as I couldn't help but to feel hung over the fact that the king I had lived with was not only an imposter, but now he is dead.

As we neared the entrance, I saw that the tall blonde lady I saw from earlier was on top of her hoverboard, holding up a rifle. She looked to be guarding it from those carnivorous, mechanical insects.

"Come on! Move it or lose it, people! Everyone out, now!", she ordered, as she opened fire on any of the approaching bugs with her gun.

Felix stopped running for a moment.

"Um, hehe... If you'll excuse me, I believe Sergeant Calhoun here could use my help. You know- just in case her weapon breaks or anything!", He nervously exulted, as he ran over to where she was.

Ralph just shook his head with an eye roll. Was this Sergeant the lady Felix was talking about from earlier?

"My, that guy's got it hard... Come on, we've got to get going", Ralph stated, as he ran onto the bridge leading towards the exit.

"Ralph! It's not gonna work!", Vanellope exclaimed, knowing that she is still a glitch that can't leave.

"We've gotta try!", he responded, as he continues to dash towards the exit. As he rammed into the exit, an invisible barrier pushed Vanellope and I back. The barrier hurt, as it sent an electric jolt through my body.

"OUCH!", I shouted, as I was pushed off of Ralph's shoulder by the barrier's force.

"Kid!-Wait... Oh no...", Ralph muttered, as they both realized I can't get out either.

"But Ralph, I told you, I can't leave my game", Vanellope pleaded to the big man, not wanting him to put any more of the effort.

"Come on, we've got to get you both through!", Ralph exclaimed in devastation, as he picked Vanellope and I up from off the ground and tried to get us through the barrier.

"RALPH, OUCH!", Vanellope and I yowled, as he kept pushing us against the barrier.

"IT'S GOTTA WORK!", Ralph desperately struggled to help us.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now