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Here, something simple until the next installment!

I apologize for this not being a continuation of where we left off in this fanfic, but I have been a bit preoccupied with school stuff this week. I don't want to leave y'all hanging this weekend, so maybe just a small break from the usual program while also leaving you busy with thinking up questions would be nice, huh?

So, all you have to do is ask whatever you want in the comments, and I will answer through them!

Do you want to know more about your writor? Ask me what you'd like about my personal life and I'll try to answer as appropriately as possible! Readers and authors should form a mutual bond, right?

Does this fanfic make sense so far? If it doesn't, don't be afraid to ask any questions you have. I'll try to clear any confusion you might have, while also trying to be discreet with spoilers.

Moreover, this is not the only fanfic I am writing that I am excited about! Remember that little teaser image I left in the last chapter for my upcoming AU fanfic, "Fix-It Felix, Jr"? Well, I have managed to get the Felix of my AU to come over and answer any questions you may have. Chances are that you aren't too interested, but I PROMISE this upcoming fanfic will be something that you can get hooked on!

"Now, say "hi", Felix!"

"Hey there, everybody"

"I am so joyous that you were able to make it!" X3

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"I am so joyous that you were able to make it!" X3

"Well, I certainly don't mind getting familiar with the potential readers of my story. I guess I am sorry to say though that Wreck-It had to miss this to attend another Bad-athon.. Until then, I am free to answer any questions about my story. Ask away, folks!"

You heard the man! I'll leave you guys to ask any of your burning questions. If you don't have any further business here, I wish you all a farewell!

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now