Frozen Still

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Previously, on A Candy-CODED Love-


"Ralph, no! Wait!", Felix yelled out, not wanting his game's villain to run off again.

"Felix, get behind me!", Calhoun shouted, pulling out her gun as the cybugs began to approach our direction. Felix immediately went back, grabbing ahold on Vanellope's hand as they backed away from the incoming swarm. I on the other hand went over to the prisoner left sitting on the floor.

"Candy, come on! Get up!", I shouted, as I helped Candy up from the ground.

"No need to tell me twithe!", he responded with an alert panic, as he hopped up from the ground.

We were all left on the bridge to fend for ourselves. Whatever Ralph has planned, it has to work!


We all backed up, as the swarm of cybugs approached closer. Calhoun was at the front of us all, firing her rifle as the mechanical pests neared us. Felix held out an arm, trying to shield Vanellope behind him. As for Candy and I, we stuck very close to each other. I clung onto his coat, since his hands were still cuffed behind his back.

The cybugs up front hissed at us as Calhoun killed off some of their brethren. There was loud gunshot after another until her pistol only made a clicking noise, signaling that the clip was now empty. Out of pure frustration, the tough blonde threw her now useless weapon onto the rainbow-belted bridge we all stood on.

We all backed up slowly, as we now had nothing left to defend ourselves with. We all paced back until we got close to the game's exit, which the barrier inevitably pushed Vanellope and I back. I felt my grasp on Candy's coat slip, as he had crossed onto the other side with Calhoun and Felix. Unlike the others, Vanellope and I were both cornered- stuck between the only escape and our ravenous demise.

I felt my heart sink. Even Vanellope had the most helpless look I had ever seen on her face. I quickly turned back to see Calhoun was bracing herself to jump on the offense when needed, while Felix pulled out his magic hammer- what he'd need to use it to "fix" now, I didn't want to imagine.

Then Candy had the most devastated look on his face. Being bounded, he couldn't even be able to help himself let alone me. He grunted as he tried to break free from his cuffs, but the more he struggled, the more steady shocks he got. He quickly turned to Calhoun.

"Come on! You've got to- You've got to pleathe get thethe off of me!", he pleaded, with another struggle somewhere in between.

"Not taking that chance!", She barked as she glared at him.

With that, any hope I had was now gone. Then just up ahead, we saw as a swarm of cybugs flew up from above Diet Cola Mountain. It was hard to make out at first, but it could be seen that they were fighting over Wreck-It Ralph. Their appendages grabbed at the big man's clothes, each of them trying to get dibs on him while he swung his meaty fists at the mechanically insects adjacent to him.

After a hot second, Ralph was able to punch away all the insects but the one left clinging onto him. In that instant, he kicked at it, forcing the insect to let him go. The Bad Guy then begun to plummet downwards, approaching the peak of Diet Cola Mountain.

"RALPH!!!", Vanellope shouted running towards the cybug swarm.

"VANELLOPE!!!", Felix and I both shouted for her.

Fortunately, when Vanellope ran towards the danger, she was able to glitch overhead. She zoomed back and forth over their heads. She was guiding herself towards safety.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now