Note Before Reading

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I shall explain a bit about how this story shall go before I continue writing any further.
This story will take place, mainly from the view of Y/N. I shall inform y'all before you read that Y/N is automatically a girl. I apologize to any male readers, as I am not really one from writing in a gay pov, as I myself am not gay. I would do it, but I fear creating any harmful archetypes by accident. If y'all like, y'all can still read it from a male pov, but the story itself will be written with a female protagonist. Also, don't be expecting smut! I know nothing or have ever experienced anything like... that, so I would feel rather uncomfortable writing anything of the sort. I will write some lemony details, but not so much smut. Not saying I won't write it, just don't expect it.
If y'all haven't already read the description, this story will take placing during the events of the movie. The story will start out a little earlier, as well as have some flashes of the past. I will try to make obvious headings so the readers don't get confused.
On top of taking place during the movie, there will be multiple endings and alternate routes.
That's right fellow readers, you read it right. Multiple endings.
(But how will that work?)
I will make a note later on in the story to explain how it will work. What I will say for now is that this fanfic is kind of a "follow your path" sort of thing. What will happen is that later on, about half-way into the story, you will be given choices. Some choices will have you simply turn or scroll to another section of the part being read, while others have their own parts all together. The choices you make can affect how the story flows.
( You mean like how the TellTale Games are played?)
Exactly, which is why I thought this would have been a better system than just a simple, closed-ending fanfic, as Wreck-It-Ralph is based off videogames, so there are bound to be options. There are going to be multiple ways this story could play out. Note though that I might not have all alternate routes updated at a time, so if you want a certain one that you followed, you'll just have to wait.
I will also have small activities in between parts. They might include drawing your Y/N and your car. I will have bases and steps set up for you to follow. Also, do y'all like the cover? I drew it myself. I hope y'all like it, despite my inexperience with digital drawing. I work better with drawing on paper, so I had to follow some tips I wanted to use.
Lastly, I will be following along with y'all throughout this story, reading and following my own route. I will have drawings associated with each part. By default, where Y/N would be in the drawing, my character would be. So if you see a random girl with a brown-ponytail and a Hershey's Kisses hat in the drawings, in place of where Y/N would be, that's my character. If y'all want to get to know her better, I will properly introduce her in the Y/N drawing activity.
That's all I have to say for now. I shall try and update soon. Enjoy! :3

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