The Turbo-fying Twist

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Sugar Rush, King Candy's Castle-(Day 5 of (Y/N)'s arrival)

(King Candy)-

I had gotten up and ready for the morning as usual. After I was all washed up and dressed in my kingly attire, I went downstairs to the dining room to have some breakfast before heading out to the race track.

I entered the room and took my seat at the table, silently waiting for Sourbill to bring out the food. I looked about and only just noticed that (Y/N) wasn't here. Huh... She usually seems to get down her before me. I wonder what's her hold up.

Not too long after, Sourbill brought out our breakfast- some Coffee Crisps with a Milky Way bar and an assortment of Runtz. He was setting the plates down when he also noticed (Y/N) wasn't there.

".. Is (Y/N) up to something?", Sourbill questioned aloud.

"I suppothe s'o. That or she thlept in. Who knows, who cares?", I muttered, as I forked some Coffee Crisps into my mouth. Sourbill didn't say anything as he went to set up the glasses and poured me some sweet tea.

"... Thourbill, why don't you thit down ne'xt to me? Since (Y/N) ith preoccupied, I need to thpeak with you", I suggested, motioning towards the seat.

"Oh, uh.. Okay..", Sourbill said, as he climbed up onto the chair.

I took a quick moment to look around and listen, making sure no one was coming this way, before I turned back towards Sourbill.

".. I need to go back into the Coding Room after the arcade closeth. (Y/N) can't thtay here any longer", I hushly told him.

".. Why? She hasn't been a problem", Sourbill retorted.

"Well- Maybe not right now, but I am certain she will be. Any moment now, she'll thrart trying to wander out of the Castle on her own", I state.

"Well, there's the chance that she'd be obedient enough to not leave on her own", Sourbill said.

"... Well, even then, I thtill wouldn't be s'o comfortable having her remain here. I mean, she doethn't seem to expresth any emotionth at all whatthoever, and it jutht maketh having her around s'o uneathy!-", I ranted, as Sourbill just starred at me with his usual tired expression. "-Er... At leatht when you do it, there'th a charm to it", I added, not wanting to make my melancholy friend feel bad(?).

"... I don't know what you mean. I am bursting with emotion", Sourbill states in his usual tone.

"Hehe, yeah, sure you are...", I politely chuckled.

I carried on with eating for another minute or so before I heard a loud pinging noise, alerting everyone in the game that the arcade will soon open. I started shoveling the rest of my breakfast into my mouth as I chugged down my glass of tea.

"Come on, Thourbill! We got to get going!", I said, grabbing my green butler from his hand.

"Wait, but I still need t-", he started to say.

"Whatever it ith, (Y/N) will automatically do. Now, we've got to hurry!", I interjected, as we ran out to my kart, tossing Sourbill onto shotgun and floored the gas.


After the arcade closed, I drove Sourbill and I back to the Castle. As I came to a stop, I hopped out of my kart. Alright, now that I am back, I can deactivate (Y/N) once and for all! We can forget about all of this had ever happened!

I stepped out onto the throne room floor only to realize there was a sickly sweet scent in the air, as if someone was baking. I smiled, at first thinking that Sourbill had prepared something good, but then that smile immediately disappeared when I remembered Sourbill was already with me.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now