A Conflicting Confrontation

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Previously, on A Candy-CODED Love-


I felt something inside of me shatter, as the king I thought I knew turned out to be a manipulative felon. He was now laughing sadistically, as he is about to drive Vanellope straight into the signed pillar which stood at the track's center.

"END OF THE LINE, GLITCH!!!", he growled, while he still slightly glitched.

This whole scene is just too disheartening for me. I am feeling so much at once, as everything I thought I knew tumbled down. I honestly felt like slamming the brakes so that I could break down and cry. So that I could break down and scream!

... But I can't cower down now! Something could still be done!

It doesn't look like he has noticed me yet! Would he stop what he was doing if he realized I was here?!

At the same time though, I can't doubt Vanellope! She has dealt with this imposter longer than I have, so she probably already has something up her sleeve!



(You chose to call out to him!)

No, no! I can't just sit here!

"My king, stop!!!", I wailed, feeling my tears begin to run.

The still glitching King Candy turned back with a scowl, but that scowl immediately turned to a face of distraught when he realized I was the one that called out. Immediately he, slammed his foot onto the brake, as his kart skidded to a stop.

It was just in time too, as Vanellope glitched her kart away from the pillar, as she was driving normally again and zooming out of the tunnels entrance. Had King Candy kept driving, he would have likely crashed against the wall.

"NO!", he shouted, seeing Vanellope get away.

I pulled my kart up a little ahead of his before I put the gear to park and hopped out to approach him. I didn't quite know what I wanted to do when I approached him. On one hand, I felt like asking him so many questions, on the other, I felt like punching him.

King Candy, or Turbo, was looking up at me, with a nervous face. It was the type of face one normally wears when faced with a dangerous situation. He has seemed to stop glitching for now, but I already knew what I had saw.

"Um... (Y-Y/N), what are you doing here?! You should be back at the castle!", he shook out of his panic to start chiding me.

I was going to give him a piece of my mind at that moment, but I was cut off as a giant mechanical insect landed right in front of the tunnel's entrance.

I immediately backed away, as I saw it begin to crawl its way inside.

"Candy, what is that?!", I asked in a panic.

"I-I don't know!", King Candy yelled, quivering as he climbed out of his kart.

We both tried to back away, but the giant bug was starting to make its way through the tunnel. However, it got its sides stuck, trying to squeeze through the pillar blocking the center of the track.

"We need to hurry!", King Candy shrieked, as he grabbed my hand and tried to run opposite of the track. I pulled him back though.

"No, the track back up that way is too steep to walk up!", I shouted at him.

"Well, what else do you suppose we do?! We're stuck either way!", he retorted.

I looked around, but of course there was no other way. One way has that giant creature, which will break through at any moment, the other way has a steep ramp which would be near impossible to walk up. ... But, there are walls on both side of this tunnel, which both go out to Sugar Rush.

A Candy-CODED Love;(A King Candy X (Sugar Rush) Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now