Don't mess with us.

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As the weeks went by, Seto had been doing his best to satisfy every singe desire of yours... to the point where you were starting to wonder if there was something you did not have at this point, be it a book, a necklace or even a piece of paper to write something down. 

To your surprise, whenever the ship stopped in a city for you to tour, there would be four to five people seeking a duel with him. Which was you were currently sitting on a comfy chair with something to drink and a few snacks, while Seto was dueling a random man who tried to make a pass at you.

- I activate my trap! Array of Reaveling Light!

You watched as he used a card to make Seto hold back his attack, it worked but you knew that he'd need ten more if he wanted to keep Seto away for more than a turn. 

- Take a good look at your life points, if that card is the only think left to help you, then you might as well surrender.

- Don't look down on me! With this card any monster that was normally summoned can not-

- I already know what it does, you fool. Don't talk unless there's something worth listening to.

The two kept going until Seto summoned his Blue Eyes White Dragon. His opponent made sure that the dragon could not attack for three turns... but then, he relaxed and thought he could win by letting a monster with twice as many points as the Blue Eyes White Dragon attack...Seto activated two trap cards and once the opponent lost his monster, he also lost the duel.

You watched as Seto used a final attack to end the duel, then turning to you and giving you a cocky smile. You raised an eyebrow and wondered if he wanted you to fangirl over him. You looked over at the defeated man who was glaring at Seto, you couldn't help but pity the man. 

- Well, it's not like I can do anything about it. You murmured and stood up, walking towards your husband who didn't hesitate to pull you into his arms and kiss you like there this was the last you two would spend on this earth.

- Now that we're done here, let's go tour the city like you wanted.

- You've been fighting for three hours and we got out of the ship at six o'clock.

- Then we're having dinner outside, unless you have other ideas.

- You never stop teasing, do you?

At that he smirked and as you two left the arena, you came across a informant of ZJ asking for you help. He showed you proof that a small company had been ruining people's lives by stealing blueprints from people who worked there, then kicking them out and using those blueprints to grow stronger. So far they hadn't achieved much but judging by the way they selected their victims it wouldn't take long to gain a good amount of influence and wealth. 

- They are quite the troublemakers, for a bunch of low class mutts.

- I can't disagree... still, as members of the same organization I can't let this pass.

- I believe you mean that WE can't let this pass. 

- I didn't know you were a team player.

- Only when there's someone worth teaming up with.

You chuckled at that and turned to your ally, telling him how to move and how to keep the victims safe and away from danger. You suspected that most of the people in that company had no idea what most of the items they had taken could do, so when people would appear to the police with enough evidence and with witnesses that knew not only how to use the blueprints but also identify every little thing on them, it'd be game over. 

- In other words, as long as we know the exact location of where the blueprints are kept, then we can easily expose everything, as for the scandal... well, you need to speak with Nora. She's best when it comes down to that kind of stuff, she'll arrange everything.

At your words Seto couldn't help but admire your cunning mind and calculating nature. He decided to place a spy of his own in that company, someone that would do what your ZJ buddy could not, given that he had been in there for over a year and still hadn't achieved much. 

- Let's get back to the ship for now, we'll stay for two days and then leave. That's our schedule anyway. Seto said and you nodded, he could be very thoughtfull and understanding... but by no means humble.

- Thank you, Seto. I appreciate the gesture. You replied and he nodded, he then wrapped an arm around your waist, gave the man that asked for help a glare and then the two of you left. You could see that he was jealous and that he really wanted you to focus on him... it was actually a bit cute, seeing this childish part of himself. 

The two of you toured around the city with Seto remembering each shop you seemed interested in, planning to get you a gift... or rather another mountain of gifts. So far you had been to quite a few cities and he had been more than happy to walk around with you, seeing you get excited and talk to him about everything. Just like a puppy, granted a puppy with some pretty awesome skills, but still a cute puppy.

Seto had been also doing his best to get you pregnant, teasing you and seducing you whenever the two of you were alone, sometimes he would straight up challenge you, telling you that you wouldn't be able to take it if he ever got serious with you on the bed... and boy, it worked miracles. 

He hadn't seen results so far but he was never one to give up, this whole cruise was his chance to have you to himself for as long as humanly possible, with no one to interrupt and ruin the moment. Sure, this little incident with that idiot that asked for help wasn't in his plans but... it could show to everyone that you two were an excellent team. 

And who knows, maybe he could even manage to not only earn your admiration... but also show to everyone that you were truly, without any doubt the only woman for him and that he was the only man that suited you.

Messing with you meant messing with him... and with you both working together meant one thing.

Someone was about to get destroyed.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now