Honeymoon surprise.

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So... Seto had been responsible for the honeymoon... and he seriously went over the top with it. You would begin with a cruise around Europe, visiting every single country and doing everything you might have imagined. Then he had arranged a trip to India, Egypt and Hawai, he had even gone as far as to build a house in each one of the above places... claiming that it'd be a good place to oversee work overseas. Although in reality, he just wanted to spoil you... and although he'd never admit it, he wanted to learn if there was a country you liked more and if so, he would make sure to build a mansion and make it something of a holiday hideout. 

Aside from that, he had arranged for you to see every single attraction, taste some popular dishes and buy anything you wanted. And the cruise ship was already packed with anything to make sure you wouldn't get bored while you were travelling. From sports to video games, there were libraries with tons of books for you to read, all arranged according to your tastets, kitchens ready to serve some of your favourite dishes and small shops to buy anything you might think of.  

- Seto, I don't think all that was necessary. 

- You should know better than anyone that argueing with me is pointless.

- But I feel bad for making you do so much...

- Do you really think that's all I can do? Don't kid yourself, that's nothing.

- Seto... I just...

- Don't worry about it. 

After those words he carried you off to your shared bedroom... and it was anything but small. One look around and your jaw nearly fell off it's place.



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- Uh... why is it so...

- If you don't like the design there are over sixty more rooms with different designs. 

At that you turned and looked at him with wide eyes. 

- What?!

- Don't look at me like that. Did you seriously think that I, of all people, wouldn't be prepared?

- Seto! 

At your whine he simple rolled his eyes and then kissed you. He was at first gentle, showing no signs of his usual dominant behaviour. His hold wasn't as strong either, yet as he moved you closer to the bed, he became more demanding, his lips devoured yours and a hunger grew between the two of you. Seto had insisted that you two dressed lightly and you had guessed why from the very beginning. 

It wasn't the first time that the two of you made love, yet this was the first you would do it as a married couple. And it made you all the more excited, as embarassing as it may sound. 

The two of you stopped for a brief second and Seto took of his shirt, nearly tearing as he threw it on the floor. He proceeded to take off his pants while you also got rid of your clothes, it was only when you were both completely naked that you looked at each other. Seto admired your body and you admired his, your hands cupped his face and you leaned closer, it was a slow yet passionate kiss. That was all the consent that he needed, one would have expected him not to really wait for his partner... but they couldn't be further away from the truth. Seto never, ever had forced himself and his desires on you, wether he wanted to or not was a different matter, the truth however was that he never tried to force you into accepting his lustfull desires.

He seperated your lips only to attack your neck a seconds later, going straight for you sweet spots as he kept going further down your body. It was only when he reached your breasts that he decided to tease you, he used his mouth on your breasts and his hand on your entrance, making you moan and whine as pleasure got the best of you. It might had been mean but in his defense, you made the cutest expressions when he teased you like this. Eventually though, he decided to get straight to the main event,

- Are you ready?

At his question you nodded with a smile. He looked at you before he pushed himself in. You both gasped and you immediately wrapped your arms around him.

- Seto... I... ah!

You weren't able to speak clearly, Seto began thrusting, he didn't take it slow, you could tell that he was more turned on than you. Seto had a pretty high sex drive, as hard as it may seem for some to believe. From the first time the two of you went all the way, he had showed that he could get turned on by even the most innocent actions you made, though he would never admit it. 

- You better not be at your limit. I won't accept such an easy victory. 

At his smug tone you looked at him with a small smile. You knew that he was joking but it really did seem like a challenge.

- Look who's talking. 

At your answer he began thrusing deeper and faster, leaving a few groans before kissing you. This went on for a while, with the two of you taking a few breaths before resuming in a battle of lust and fluids. And as he kept pushing in, your walls squeezing his erection as he kept on going, eventually you lost the fight and with a muffled scream, you hit your high. Eyes rolling back as you clamped down on him, literally making him moan as he himself went over the edge. 

- That wasn't half bad. He said and you looked at him with disbelief, he spoke like that but he was actually blushing, his hair was a mess and his eyes were still filled with lust, not to mention his sweat and panting.

- Do you give up? You asked and he gave you a suprised look before a smirk appeared in his face.

- The only one who's going to give up today, is you.

And with those words, the second round of this lustfull game began. 

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