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While helping your ally, you came upon a very unpleasant discovery. The president of the company who you were to destroy, had a daughter who had been madly in love with your husband for the past seven years. 

And when she saw him around the city she immediately asked her father for help, she didn't care that Seto was married, she didn't care that you were the daughter of a very influencial man as well... all she cared for, was having Seto.

But she forgot that you were also there.

To your immense pleasure and clear satisfaction, Seto had given her the cold shoulder, insulted her and warned her father that if she were to appear before him again, he would beg to be killed along with his entire family.

Apparently... that didn't stop that girl, Eva, from hunting down your husband and trying to humiliate you. Needless to say you were more than happy to put her in her place. The first thing you did was make it clear that you were on your honeymoon, the second was to show the extend of how much Seto was invested in this cruise and the last, was the dates and the clear signs of affection Seto showed to you.

Speaking of which, Seto was having so much fun seeing you get possessive of him, your jealousy was adorable. But aside from that, he had decided that the war that wench had declared was both foolish and pointless.

He had several of her father's minions killed and had sent their corpses to her, a clear message to back off. The only reason he was holding back, was because you had taken the front and was actively antagonizing that sorry excuse of a woman. Though, it'd be a lie to say that he didn't have a scheme ready to kill that wench. He decided to stay longer, seeing as he wanted to see them lose everything and rub salt on the wound.

Aside from that, your plan to bring down that company was complete. Blueprints were taken and copies were left in their place, the people who had created all of these had gone to the police... and they were almost ready to get to buisness, the only thing holding them back, was that one of the head of the police was a good friend of the company's president and he wouldn't  give the green light for this raid.

Thankfully, all it took was a call to Nora and she arranged for that man to be removed, digging up an old crime of rape he had comitted, she found the previous victim, then went on with hiring a good actress to play a second victim, followed by some of his DNA in objects that normally only a lover would touch and within a week the man was removed from his position and was behind bars.

- Having her around is helpfull. Seto said and you nodded.

- Though I'd rather not know how she has so many connections to pretty much everyone.

- Probably because she acts like an innocent, dare I say, pure woman.

- When in fact she can make even the devil bow down to her.

- I don't believe in any of that stuff.

- What about aliens?

- No.

- You can't be sure that nothing else is out there. Maybe there really is something, after all.

- I refuse to believe in "maybe", I want something with sufficient proof and based on facts, not silly imaginations or uncertain theories.

You rolled your eyes at that, this was SO predictable. Seto was alway realistic... though that wasn't always a bad thing. 

- And that's why people might think of you as insufferable.

Seto looked at you, he was about to complain when he saw the teasing smile on your face. He then knew that you were just joking.

While you were having a nice walk and a chat with Seto, his men were quite literally going on a murder spree. He knew people who had thought of trying to steal you away as soon as they realized that you both were in the city. And right now, a mass execution was taking place, spme were saved so that Seto himself would deal with them... they were the bold ones who had tried to flirt with you openly... needless to say, they had sealed their fates the second they stared at you for more than ten seconds. 

He wouldn't deny that he felt envy... but he knew that the extend of this envy was unhealthy. Still, the knowledge that you also got envious when other women went after him, helped him to cope with it. For example, he would spare those that looked at you, yet said that you were a perfect match for him, that he could tolerate. 

As for Eva, she was taken as well... but she would fall to the hands of Justin. For the first time in history, the two had agreed to work together to get rid of that woman. The reason being that Justin had seen her try to harm you, he had stopped it but that didn't mean he'd let it pass.

He still hated Seto, he still believed that it was a bad thing that you married a man that was clearly so unstable. He had been too much, according to those around him... but he had seen a scenario similar to yours far too many times and 99% of the time, it didn't end well. 

He knew Seto Kaiba had killed, he knew that some had been innocent... but he had no evidence and you wouldn't trust him with just words. He knew that at some point, Seto would try to lock you up, wether that would be now or later on didn't help... he had to break you two. Your job was dangerous, the man you married was twice as dangerous and possesive as hell. 

For now, he would pretend to make peace, keeping a somewhat neutral attitude... but once Seto Kaiba slipped, he would end him. When he learnt of you being jealous of the women trying to win Seto over, an idea popped in his mind, perhaps it was about time to switch targets, now he would try to turn you against Seto, he had done it once and he would do it again.

Jealousy could be the key, to ensure that you would not end like the women he had met so far... that you wouldn't end up, like his mother. 

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now