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After that day, when you heard that one of your co workers was killed you were a bit more carefull, Seto acted overly protective as well despite being the one who arranged for her death. Within weeks however many more were killed and others were forced to quit. Seto made sure to cover everything perfectly while alsopreparing for his next big step. The people who bullied you were gone, however the people who would flirt with you only seemed to increase and Seto didn't like that at all. He grew a bit more clingy, still keeping his usual "I am better than anyone" attitude. He got tender and sweet when you were alone. Every day he found himself looking forward to the future with you, he began imagening his life, making plans and dreams.

- Seto, I think you're going a bit tto far. Miokuba said and Seto frowned.

- We've been together for so long, I know everything there is to know about her... and I can offer her much more than anyone else.

- I agree but you forget that she has a cousin who loathes you in sight.

- He can do nothing to stop me.

- Raul however can... or what about her baby brother.

- He is the same as you,, he wants what's best for her. And the best is me.

- No, you're not. A familiar voice said, both turned and saw Justin.

- How did you get past my guards? Seto asked and Justin scoffed.

- That's the last thing you need to worry about Seto Kaiba.

- True, I need to think of how to finally get rid of you. Yoyu've been nothing more than a nuisance to me ever since I met you. Seto growled and then you entered, your eyes fell on Seto and then on Justin.

- Justin, leave. You said simply, already guessing where this was going.

- I'm not going anywhere! How can you, my own flesh and blood, be so god damn stupid? He asked and you glared at him.

- Stupid or not, this is my life and you have no right to interefere like you do. 

- I can because I am the only real family you actually have! He said and that hurt.

- Maybe that was a mistake... maybe we never should have been related by blood. You said, your tone cracked. Seto took notice of it immediately and pushed Justin to the side so he could embrace you, his face burried in your hair.

- I'll handle him, don't worry. He whispered and when you wrapped your arms around him, he barely managed not to grin, he loved how you would depend on him, how you would accept him yet show that unique ability to make him fall at your feet.

- Seto... please... let's not push it too much. You whispered, the sweet moment was interrupted when Justin pushed Seto away, getting between you two.

- Enough drama, this silly little romance you two have, ends now. He said and Seto snapped.

- Get out of here or I swear I'll make you regret ever leaving your mother's womb. He said and Justin laughed at that.

- And what exactly will you do? Try to kick me out of a company that doesn't belong to you? Kill me? What?

- I can guarantee that your life turns into something far worse than hell itself. Don't push your luck, you mongrel. 

- Enough! You said and looked at Justin.

- What? He asked and you slapped him, as hard as you could before leaving the room.

- This is all your fault, you bastard!!! Justin said and glared at Seto.

- (Name) is mine! She chose ME! Get that in your skull, use whatever brain cells you have left and memorize it. She's mine and you're not taking her from me. Seto said, his possesive side showing up in all it's glory.

- She is in love with an illusion but be sure. I'll make her see what you really are, Seto Kaiba. An entitled scum and a filthy worm that got lucky. He said, Mokuba could only stare, terrified as the two older males exhanged hatefull glares. Seto smirked and spread his arms, challenging Justin openly.

- Go ahead and try, I got here through a lot of hard work. I became who I am because of effort and skills, something you simply don't understand or have.

- I never needed to understand the skills of someone as pathetic and egotistical as you. (Name) too knows that all too well, she can see past hypocrites and it's only a matter of time before she sees what you really are.

- She won't leave me, no matter what you do. 

- Because she loves you? If so then how come you haven't moved to the next step?

- I would but you keep interefering! 

- And I plan on keeping it up. My cousin is the only real family I have, no one cares about her like I do because no one has suffered like me and her. Your pathetic story is nothing compared to what the two of us had to face. Justin said and that picked Seto's interest, however he knew that searching the past was a waste of time and he really couldn't care about your past with Justin, he only cared about your future with him. 

- You're her past and I'm her future. She didn't choose her past but she chose me as her future. And I will show her that her decision was the right one.

- How?

- By giving her, everything that I have. She is like a queen and I will be her king. She will never have to worry about anything ever again, she will have no one to fear again... she will only have me. He said and Justin noticed the change in the room, he backed away and smiled, maybe he could win this after all.

- Very well, I'm giving you two weeks to prove your words Seto Kaiba... if you fail by then... you can kiss your future with (Name) goodbye. He said and Seto frowned, this tone wasn't what he was expecting at all. It was the tone of a man who knew he could win.

- You challenged the wrong man, mutt. Seto said and with that he went after you, his mind already working on a plan to temporarely isolate you and give him the chance to make some of his wishes come true. You were his Queen, a woman strong, beautifull and warm... and he would be your protector, your King. He would prove that the two of you were simply meant to be.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now