Two souls, One destiny.

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After everything that happened on that fatefull day, Justin and Seto to get... somewhat along. Sure, they fought and argued a lot but it was clear that they were now respectfull of some boundries.

Something that clearly never happened before.

You were pleasantly surprised by the sight of these two sitting in a room, they weren't really talking but they weren't fighting either.

As your pregnancy made it more difficult for you to move, you began staying at home often, much to Seto's delight. The idea of you staying here, safe and well cared for gave him peace of mind and fed his pride and paranoia that he was, in his mind, your provider and protector.

It could have been worse if Justin didn't remind him that you weren't just anybody, you were still the No1 of ZJ and you could beat his ass in a fight any day. He played card  games well... but you played the game of fists even better.

- You make it sound like she would turn against me.

- If you keep this up, she will. And if that child takes after you... first of all, may God have mercy on us all and secondly, they are not going to be too happy about the way you treat their mother.

Seto halted and thought about it, Justin had a made a valid point. 

- I'll take care of everything. 

- Doubt it.

- What was that?

- Me thinking out loud.

- That's my point.

- Cool it, dragon man.

- Don't even begin with this stupid nickname.

- Not my fault Nora made it for you. Now a lot of people are calling you that.

- Does that woman ever give up on making people's life difficult.

- Ask yourself that first and then her.

The two glared at each other before turning their attention to the matter at hand.

Half of those disgusting siblings of yours were dead and disposed of. The remaining ones were those that Seto wanted to keep alive so he could torture them more. Considering that they were the most rotten of them all.

- So, what do you plan to do now?

At Justin's question Seto took out an envelope and handed it over to him. It was an invitation to a party hosted by some rich buisnessman looking to replace you in Seto's life with his spoiled daughter.

- For now, tell (Name) to think of what to buy for this event. While she's away, I will end this quickly. Once this is taken care of, bring this man suspicious actions to your leader... and ask him to investigate this, I am sure, you will not be dissapointed by what you discover.

Justin chuckled and looked at Seto.

- So this is your plan? And what if that man's daughter does something... troublesome in the meantime.

- Get rid of her. She is as rotten as her father, if not more. She things we are in a game, one of those romantic love stories with a heroine who can either pick whoever she likes as a partner, or build a harem and have them all to herself.

- And that's what she plans to do with you?

- From what I've gathered she is pretty stupid and refuses to come to terms with reality. She even views (Name) as a villainess and wishes to get rid of both her and our baby.

Justin's previous smile vanished, becoming serious in a moment.

- It will be done two days after that party, according to what's written here. It's this Saturday at a high class hall, especially reserved for the occasion.

- That's what they think. People like them can't have something like that unless there's dirt, a lot of it, invloved.

- I will look more into it. Ah! I almost forgot to mention, my cousine will be here soon so... make sure they are quiet, she's had a rough day after she was informed that she had three missions assigned as soon as she recovers from her pregnancy.

- Why so many? Seto asked confused.

- People are more aware of ZJ now, they want to take us down... and Zigfried Von Schroeder has been trying to get into touch with us, not to mention he has been trying to come into contact with (Name). Clearly he's fallen in love with her.

Seto snapped at that.

- If he dares to lay a finger on her, I will erase his pathetic company from existence along with his family!

- I said he's trying. I never said he made it. Now let's go, we'll both reek of blood if this goes on. 

Seto and Justin left and cleaned themselves. Seto providing clothes identical to the ones Justin wore previously. The two had a weird friendship now... they would get at each other's throat but put it aside when a common threat appeared.

Meanwhile, you were happily unware that these two were getting along because of their common hatred for anyone trying to invade your life the same way, Ziegfried did.

- I wonder if they'll ever have a normal friendship.

- Doubt it, Justin might have given up on killing Seto but his views on rich people have barely changed. Nora said, you looked forward and saw Nao and Mokuba play at the arcade, they were having the time of their lives, you bought them food and ice cream, some toys and video games... and well, you basically acted more like a mother than a big sister.

- Sis! Come see, I earned the highest high score! Nao said and you smiled, getting closer and seeing that indeed, he had done just that.

- That's so cool, what about you Mokuba.

- Not yet, I can't get past this level! He said and you chuckled.

- I am sure you will- Ugh!

At a moment you grabbed your tummy, a pain unlike anything before getting the best of you... you fell to the ground with Nora and the boys coming over you!

- (Name)!!! Hold on, I'll call an ambulance. Nora said, bringing her phone out in seconds.

- What is going on? I am eight months... so this shouldn't be happening! You said between pants and the boys looked at each other.

- I'm going to call Raul. Nao said.

- And I'll call Seto.

The two went a bit further, as Nora returned and slowly made you lay on your back, taking deep breaths along with you until you were taken to the hospital.

Your baby was coming out earlier than expected.

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