A disaster of a party Pt.1

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So as anyone would expect Seto and Raul had arranged an engagement party to let the rest of the world know. It wasn't really something you were against but when you heard Justin and Nora were coming you weren't sure you wanted to attend either. Raul had convinced Seto that the sooner Justin accepted it, the better and this party could be the first step. 

At the same time Justin was already plotting how to make this night one of your worst nightmares. Nora's idea was good, he had to admit that... but he couldn't just act nicely all of a sudden, that would have been to suspicious. He would however lure you into a trap to try and remember those horrible moments you lived as a child and get you to slowly switch sides, while pretending to accept the engagement little by little. That was the first part of his plan and he was going to ensure Seto Kaiba wouldn't get his way in the end.

- You can't go on like this, Justin. Raul said gently, he knew the boy was in pain and refused to trust people with power after all the missions he had been through... but he had to understand that not everyone was the same.

- I can and I will, just because my cousin is such a big idiot and made the greatest mistake of her life, doesn't mean I will as well.

- Falling in love was her greatest mistake?

- Falling in love with that freak of a man and agreeing to spent the rest of her days with him, is her greatest mistake.

- I don't think Seto Kaiba as a freak, arrogant and eccentric is more the terms suited for him. However he does love (Name) more than his own life, that much I can see and I am sure you can as well.

- Oh please! If he loves her so much, why hasn't she told him the truth of who she is and why she originally went to Kaiba Corp? Why hasn't she told him about ZJ? 

- Our organization must remain secret at all costs, you know that Justin.

- Oh really? And what is she going to tell her dear beloved future husband when she's off to missions all over the globe? That she decided to go on a shopping spree?

- She will be retiring Justin.

- WHAT?! 

- I thought you had figured it out by now.

- Are you crazy?! She's the best agent we have! 

- And you're second best.

- Don't try to flatter me and get me to forget about the main problem here!!! Justin shouted annoyed, he couldn't believe he was surrounded by people who he considered smart till this day. 

- Even if she doesn't retire, her missions will be close by, to ensure we don't blow things up. 

- That's just about all the nonsense I can take in one day. Justin said and left the room, furious and determined to make this night your worst nightmare.

Meanwhile Seto and you had been preparing yourselves to welcome your guests and to face Justin as you were sure, he would come to create a scene and ruin the mood. As you gazed at the dress Seto had bought for you, a sigh escaped you, Seto was a good man, he had proved it to you, yet it seemed he couldn't really show it to Justin, maybe it was his pride that kept him back. You shook your head and put on the dress.



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Once you were all done you waited patiently, Seto had told that the two of you would go down together and so you had to wait for him

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Once you were all done you waited patiently, Seto had told that the two of you would go down together and so you had to wait for him. When the door knocked you gave permission and Seto entered, he was dressed in all blue, with only a white necktie to contrast the rest of his clothing. The two of you matched and when he saw you standing up he smiled.

- I knew it'd look good on you. 

- I will never get used to you choosing my clothes. You said and got closer, a small smile on you as you looked into his eyes.

- I don't plan on doing every day. He said and you chuckled.

- I'm not complaining, you have good tastes.

- I know I do.

- Oh? Then why choose me? You teased and Seto leaned forward, his lips touching yours in a gentle kiss, he became a bit more passionate, his arms wrapped themselves around your waist and he pulled you closer. Both of you forgot the world around you when you shared moments like this one, Seto was passionate yet when he could see you weren't as passionate he would hold himself back, being more gentle and allowing you to take charge, it was rare as he enjoyed being the dominant one in the relationship, he enjoyed pampering you and spoiling you to the point of insanity. 

 The two of you ended the kiss for air and Seto looked at you adoringly. 

- I didn't choose you, you chose me... and you can't begin to imagine how happy that made me. He confessed and you took his face in your hands.

- I guess I couldn't help but fall in love with you. You said warmly and after sharing a hug, the two of you went down to the party, there you immediately came across Justin, Nora, Raul and Nao. 

- You look beautifull (Name)! You too Seto, you two are a very nice match. Nora said with a wide smile, Justin scoffed and received a cold glare from Seto.

- I've seen better. He said and Seto could already guess he wasn't refering to you but to him really. 

- What did I say earlier? Raul asked him and Justin sighed annoyed.

- Yeah, yeah... congratualtions you too. Please don't invite me to the wedding. He said and you frowned.

- Can't you be a bit more happy for me?

- Can't you be a bit more understanding of me? Justin asked you back and you looked away. Seto decided to try for your sake, not to pick a fight, he came forward and extended his hand towards Justin.

- It's good to see you again. He said flatly, clearly not interested in being friendly.

- Can't say the same. Justin said but shook Seto's hand. 

- Honestly Justin, can't you be around people and not make them miserable? Nao asked and Justin smirked.

- Miserable? That's nothing compared to what I can really do. He said and from the look in his eyes you knew, he was going to make this night, one of the worsts of your life.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now