Fakest of them all.

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After two more weeks you and Seto left, having the mission completed and the people responsible behind bars, you went on with your honeymoon.

Eva was having a full course of Justin and Nora making her life miserable. The two of them combined were effective and terrifying. Pegasus had the time of his life looking at them work and enjoying Nora's teasing.

As for Seto's plans... he was suspecting that you were pregnant, he hadn't really stopped showing his affections but he was much gentler now, waiting to see if there were clear signs. 

The cruise went on as planned, you enjoyed your time everywhere and took trinkets and souvenirs from every city you visited.

But all good things must come to an end.

Upon reaching the last destination of your journey, you had to deal with A LOT of fangirls that wanted to "talk" with your husband.... yeah, you tried to remain civil, sending cold glares to any girl brave enough too close. Which made Seto happy, seeing you so possessive of him... it made his heart flutter.

Still, he didn't want you to believe he didn't care, so he literally grabbed you and kissed with so much passion any old god of love from around the world would blush in embarassement. It certainely made you blush like crazy.

- I'm not one to joke around.

You raised an eyebrow at that. He was so cocky... but dammit, you loved that about him.

- Are you saying that I've gotten the best of you? You teased and he smirked leaning down forward to whisper in your ear.

- Not even close. 

Your flirting made all of the people around blush, Seto's fangirls were enraged and upon seeing the wedding rings they became desperate. That made you surprisingly happy.

- Let's go back, we've been out for over four hours and I am a bit tired. You said, exhaustion taking over, after going on tourist mode you had walked around, eated things you've always wanted to taste, bought a ton of stuff and then had this little showdown, it really was tiring.

- Then let's go back, it's not like there's something worth seeing anyway.

The two of you returned to the boat, where Seto insisted on taking a bath with you, surprisingly enough, he didn't make any sexual advances... instead he teased you enough to get you riled up before things ended up with you two on the bed. Shocking,right?

While you two were enjoying yourselves, Nao and Mokuba were also having fun while playing video games and going out as if they were the best friends in existence. And in a way, they were. Both loved their older sibling, granted Nao wasn't really related to you but he had grown to view you as a big sister he could trust and depend on... Justin was the necessary evil that came with a good sister.

Speaking off, Justin had finally calmed down... or so it appeared, in truth he had gone to visit his biological mother... a victim of a man's obsession, she was now catatonic, staring at a wall all day and barely showing any emotion at all. His mother had been a strong woman... but his father had been stronger and he ruined her, he grew up seeing his mother lose herself every day, she once told him about her story, about how his father had tricked her into thinking he was a good man... he appeared ideal but in the end, he was a monster. A delusional one at that.

Now he was seeing the same story go on with you.... and well, you were his family... of course he didn't want you to end up like his mother! That's why he did everything... he'd do it for other people too! The majority of rich people had proved to be monsters in disguise and growing up with a rich dad Justin had grown to hate them more than anything else.

But no one understood. No one wanted to understand, which meant he had to do all this alone.

He could clearly see that Seto Kaiba was the same kind of man his father was...and he knew how this would end. You were a strong woman... but Seto was stronger...and if you ever had a child it'd suffer should things ever go the way it went for him.

While returning home he came across Yugi and his friends, he had grown close with Joey, since neither of them liked Seto. Justin was more serious but he would let Joey drag him over to cause trouble or escape from trouble. And no, he did not have a crush on Tea, it was obvious that she had a thing for Yugi... which was a bit weird for him but... it was a better love story than anything he had seen in movies or read in books.

- I will stop that madman.

- Yeah right, since when did you become a knight in shining armor? A voice said, he stopped right outside his doorstep and turned to glare at the woman behind him.

- Nora, I swear to God, if you don't leave me alone I will tell Pegasus about the crash you had on a robot monkey for seven years... and the fact that you wanted to marry and have monkey robot babies with it!!

Nora raised an eyebrow at that.

- You've heard that I was thirteen when that happened right, also that was a comic book character.

- Doesn't make it any less lame. He hissed and left, not wanting to deal with the type of female he despised the most. She was cunning and seemed to know no bounds, she loved to tease people even when it went too far... he hated that type of person as he thought of them to be fake and capable of betraying anyone and everyone.

He entered his house and sent Seto Kaiba a message, in there he informed him of a plot of some people stalking your house, most likely to steal from you. Playing nice was a must for now, you wouldn't believe him... which meant playing the long game and wait for Seto Kaiba to slip, it wouldn't be hard... at least not now, considering the person he was bringing over.

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