Finally together.

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You had come far earlier to work than usual, you had been so nervous about how Seto would be after yesterday... your blushed thinking back to the kiss.

"Ugh! Wake up (Name), Seto won't think anything... you're his secretary and that's that." You mumbled to yourself as you placed a file with documents on his office along with a cup of hot coffee. You then turned back and sat down at your office, it wasn't long before you heard the elevator, you turned and saw Mokuba instead of Seto which shouldn't really surprise you.

"Good morning (Name)." Mokuba greeted gently and you smiled.

"Good morning Mokuba." You replied and he came closer, he handed you two small boxes and you blinkes surprised.

"I forgot to give you your gifts, my brother and I picked them." He announced and your eyes widen.

"But the party... the dress, I thought..."

"That was done because we wanted you to have a proper party and enjoy yourself, besides we were supposed to give them to you yesterday but you left rather early." Mokuba explained and you looked down.

"I'm sorry... there are a lot of things I must put in order, one of this Justin." You sighed and Mokuba looked at you worried.

"What do you mean?"

"Justin isn't only Raul's assistant, he's also my biological cousin." You revealed and Mokuba's eyes widen.

"Your cousin?"

"Yes... when my parents died and I was adobted by Raul, I realized that my mother had a sister, she was Justin's mother and she wanted to take custody of me but failed, it was a good thing because she commited suicide after her husband died... Raul took Justin in and so... things were a bit strange between us."

"I see." Mokuba murmured, he looked down feeling truly connected to you. He and Seto had suffered a lot in the past... and you had suffered a lot as well and was now trying to fight for the right to live.

 The moment however was ruined by the phone, you picked it up and spoke.


"(Name), it's Seto. I will not be coming by the company today so cancel every meeting I have and put in a month from today, understood?"

"Yes sir. Anything else?"

"After you're done with that you are free to leave, I will visit you later." He stated and hang up. You blinked but knew trying to argue with him would be pointless and besides... you wanted to see him.

"Well then, let's get started." You whispered as you bagan calling every single company and person Seto was supposed to meet today and successfully managed to convince everyone to meet in a month from today as you had been ordered. Mokuba watched you silently with a smile of admiration and respect. You were a strong woman who did her best daily, you had a kind heart and a noble spirit... perhaps that's what made his brother so infatuated with you.

"I think you're done calling." He noted and you sighed.

"Yes. Your brother told me to go home once I am done, still I have to inform the departments about these recent changes in the schedule." You whined but Mokuba shook his head.

"No need, I can do that." He explained and you nuzzled his face.

"Thank you, I owe you one."

"Well, you can open your gifts." He proposed and you looked at the tiny boxes, you completely forgot about them. You took the one on the left and opened it. It was a pair of earrings and they were gorgerous.



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"Oh my god... they're beautiful." You whispered and Mokuba blushed.

"That's from me... I thought they'd look good on you." He admitted and you hugged him.

"Thank you so much, Mokuba." You responded and he hugged you back. You then turned to the other one and blinked. You wondered what Seto chose for you. You let Mokuba go and took the other box in your hands, after a deep breath you opened it and you were stared in awe, Seto's gift was an equally beautifull ring with a dozen of gems on it.



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"Seto bought it the second he saw it." Mokuba informed you and you blushed like crazy. 

"I... I really don't know what to say... both of these gifts must cost a fortune... I... don't know how to thank you both." You said, tears falling down your eyes, Mokuba wiped them off and smiled.

"You deserve them, you've helped us a lot and we really enjoy your presence around us." He admitted and you thought you were going to have a heart attack, this was all so sweet... 

"Thank you... I really appreciate all that you've done for me." You mumbled him, after that you placed both the earings and the ring in your bag, thanked Mokuba once again and went home. 

   Meanwhile Seto was in a bad mood, he had lost yet again from Yugi and he couldn't stand it. Once he reached your home however his mood improved, he thought it was stupid... the fact that he could be near you made him feel secure and relaxed... it just made him think he was acting like a stray puppy... and he had called Joey that during his fight with Yugi too.

 "Oh well." He grumbled and got out of the car. He moved forth and knocked the door.  

"Who is it?" You asked from the other side and Seto smiled.

"Seto Kaiba." He announced and you opened the door, he blinked as he saw you in loose clothing. You stepped back and allowed him to enter, Seto noticed that your hair was wet and he guessed you had taken a bath.

"Sorry, for my appearance but..."

"No need." He assured you and sat on the couch, you offered him a cup of hot coffee and sat besides him. The two of you talked about a lot of things, one of them being the gifts you received and you thanked him again for them. Seto was taken aback by your gentle smile and kind gaze, in a flash he leaned forward and kissed you, placing his right hand on your cheek. Despite your shock you didn't try to fight him, instead you closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment. When your lips seperated he saw you were blushing and though of it as cute.

"God... I must be mad." You sighed and he smiled.

"That makes two of us." He chuckled as he pulled you into a hug, your face was now completely red.

"Ummm... sir Seto?"

"Drop the "sir" already, I think we've moved past that." He growled and you moved away... to think you were in love with someone like Seto Kaiba... it felt sureal, even more because you could see he felt the same.

"Then... Seto... what now?" You asked and he carressed your cheek.

"Now, we're a couple." He stated before he kissed you again, the two of you didn't spend the night together but Seto made clear that he planned to spend more time alone with you and in all honesty, you were looking forward to it.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now