First kiss.

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After two hours of dancing you sat down with Seto still keeping you company, he was truly acting like a real gentleman and he thought about you a lot, he was the one who noticed you were a bit uncomfortable dancing for so long and he even led you to a chair near one of the windows in case you wanted to get some fresh air. You slowly began to wonder why a man like him wasn't surrounded by women, he was handsome, rich and considerate... or at least, that's was the side you've come to know.

"Stay here." He ordered and you looked at him confused as he exited the room. For a moment you were left there scanning the room and the guests... some of them were familiar as you had once gone under cover to either help or ruin them... thankfully it was the first option that occured since they were indeed clean. You leaned back on your chair and took a deep breath, you had a bit of a headache but the cool breeze helped you ignore it. Suddenly a servant came and told you to follow him and that Seto was expecting you. You slowly left the room and followed him to Seto's office, when you entered you found him gazing off to the distance, two glasses of wine ready and a birthday cake with your face on it. You blinked shocked before he turned to you.

"Uhh... sir Seto?"

"Happy Birthday." He stated and raised his glass in a toast, you chuckled and blew the only candle on the cake and then took the other glass.

"Cheers." You said and you both took a sip.

"I believe that might be more to your liking." He guessed and you nodded with a smile.

"Yes, thank you. I must admit that's rather unexpected of you, sir Seto."

"How so?" He asked and raised an eyebrow at that.

"Well, excuse me if I sound mean or rude but... you really seem like a cold and merciless man... like you don't possess a heart.... and unless someone is willing to look further... he might think of you as evil."

"Do I appear evil to you?"

"I can't deny that when I first met you... I was scared of you... not because of the power you had... but because of the way you acted towards others...."

"Are you scared of me now?" He asked and you shook your head.

"That was my impression for less than a week... after that I began to realize that you are a man who is proud and at times cold but you can be understanding and even kind... a person who I am not afraid to admit that I respect and admire." You responded honestly and Seto's eyes widen, because of the absence of light you couldn't see the blush that was on his face when he heard you say that you admired him, when if fact he too admired you for being kind, welcoming and hard working. He got closer not taking his eyes off yours. Only when his hands carressed your cheeks did you realize how close he was to you, you cleared your throat and tried to move backwards but Seto's hands cupped your cheeks and pressed slightly against your skin, he didn't hurt you but the message was clear. You stopped and just seconds later, he raised your chin and his lips met yours... it was slow but sweet and you didn't fight his hold as he pulled you closer to deepen the kiss. When he let go you weren't looking at him, you knew you were blushing like crazy and you knew that you enjoyed his kiss... your very first kiss was with the president of the company you worked in and who you obviously had a crush on. But you knew you weren't who you claimed to be.... he was sincere he wasn't hiding.... but you were. You slowly moved away, you wanted to cry... for the first time in years you wanted to cry.

"(Name)." He called out as he touched your hand, you leaned back and sighed. 

"This isn't right..."


"Because I never meant to allow romance in my life... not after my parents death." You confessed and Seto frowned.

"I don't see why."

"Because anything related to true happiness isn't meant for me.... I don't deserve to have someone love me." You whispered, finally breaking down in tears. Seto turned you around and hugged you tightly.

"I didn't think so in the past either....but then you showed up." He argued and you chuckled. You took a deep breath trying to regain control of your emotions before you moved away and this time there were no tears, no signs of your previous outburst.

"I'm sorry you had to see this... I won't bother you further for tonight." You sighed and he took your hand in his in an attempt to stop you.

"You can stay here for the night."

"No... no, besides Raul said he wanted to talk to me after the party, he said it was important." You lied and he sighed in defeat. He knew he didn't have the right to keep you if you didn't want to.

"Very well then, I'll see you tomorrow." He agreed but before you could turn around he gave you a quick kiss on the forhead before letting you leave.

When you got out of the mansion you found Raul down and he looked at you worried. You explained to him what happened and why you were upset and he sighed.

"Come on, let's get ourselves home." He urged and you looked at him.

"What am I going to do now? I've never felt like this... and he's my target...." 

"We have confirmed that this whole mess with that poor boy was all Gozaburo's fault. Seto Kaiba is innocent and so you no longer need to investigate anything about him anymore. The boy will be adobted by me and this whole story will end here."

"But what if Seto recognizes him?" You whispered and Raul smiled.

"Let me worry about this." He reassured and you nodded, you cast one last glance behind you and left. Not knowing Seto was watching from afar, feeling blessed and cursed at the same time. He closed his eyes and he made a desicion... he wasn't going to hold back, if he had to give you the world to make you love him then he would do it, there was no doubt that he was in love and he wanted you at his side.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now