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(To everyone reading this book, I have some problems with my computer making it difficult to save and upload pictures, therefor I might need more time updating, sorry guys)

When you woke up you felt unwilling to go anywhere, since Kaiba had given you the day off you wanted to sleep more but you knew all too well that wasn't possible since ZJ wasn't going to wait until you felt like working. When you got up, you rechecked your mails but saw nothing, after that you had a cup of coffee and breakfast before deciding to enjoy your free time relaxing... that was until you received a call from Seto himself.

"Good morning mister Kaiba, how can I be of service?"

"First of all it's Seto."

"Apologies, mister Seto."

"Secondly, I would like you to do a quick reminder of my schedule for the day. Just because you have a day off doesn't mean I do, as well."

"Of course." You responded and opened your computer before telling him his appointments one by one. When you were done you sent him a copy of the schedule and were about to end the call when...

"Don't forget about tonight's party, it's crucial that you are present... and I want no nonsense such as being fashionably late and such." He growled and you nearly chuckled. He was kind of cute.

"Yes sir." You replied and then hang up. You looked over at the box Mokuba had brought containing your dress, you hadn't opened it yet. Yesterday, you had been very tired and so you decided to take a look now. When you opened the box you were impressed by what you saw, it was a beautifull dress and whoever picked had good taste.


You thought about trying it on when there was a knock on the door

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You thought about trying it on when there was a knock on the door. You placed the dress back in the box and opened the door to see a very pissed off Justin. You didn't let him come as it was clear he wanted to pick a fight.

"Are you out of your god damn mind?!" He hissed and you glared at him.

"What do you want?"

"An answer as to why you've gotted all buddy buddy with your target!"

"Need I remind you that this was how I always did things?"

"Seto Kaiba cannot be trusted and you plan to go to his house and to a clear trap!"

"How would you know?" 

"This is insane, they shouldn't have let you handle it." 

"You better watch your mouth or I'll sue it." You muttered darkly and Justin leaned forward, eyes stuck on yours.

"You wont go."

"You are not my superior... besides my "father" has already told me to attend therefore your opinion doesn't matter in the slightest. Have a good day." You shot back and closed the door in his face. 

Your actions so far hadn't been out of any emotion, it was your job to search for information and uncover his past, there were details that only he knew and if you wanted to discover them then you had to earn his trust, Justin was speaking because he envied Seto Kaiba... he despised rich people, claiming that all of them were monsters and that none of them deserved mercy, even when companies were clean, Justin would steal demand that ZJ shut them down. 

Justin himself was from a rich family and as far as you knew, his parents were very nice.... although he was the youngest out of four sons. But from the beginning he seemed hatefull of his father and brothers, his mother being the only exception, funnily enough she was related to your mother, making you and Justin, cousins. Perhaps that was part of his concern when it came down to all this.

Whatever the case, his way of thinking and acting wasn't what ZJ looked for. You shook your head trying to forget about that when the bell rang again, when you opened this time it was Mokuba. He seemed concerned, you stepped aside, letting him in. Had he been watching you and Justin argue from the start?

"(Name)... I saw what happened... who was that man?" He asked and you looked down, how long had he been there... and was he the only one.

"He's Justin... an old friend. He's against me working for Kaiba Corp and demanded that I do not attend the party tonight... I swear, he's the only person who can make me lose my temper like that." You responded sincerely and Mokuba could feel the exhaustion you felt as well.


"He has a twisted idea of what the world is like. True, the world we humans live in is cruel and unjust.... but there are two sides in everything." You explained and Mokuba nodded, he planned to tell Seto about this and he was sure his brother would take action.

"Are you still coming tonight?"

"Of course, besides your brother called me earlier about that."

"H-He did?!" Mokuba exclaimed surprised.

"Yeah, he wanted me to tell him his schedule for today and he also brought the party up." You replied and Mokuba hummed, he knew Seto had a copy of the schedule and there was no need for him to call you... which means it was mostly concern about your well being.

"Sounds a lot like him."

"I don't mind, he's a busy man and I respect him for being able to do so much." You admitted and Mokuba smiled brightly.

"My brother is amazing... but you are too, I know he can be pretty cold and rude at times but you don't judge him for it."

"I believe that at times he has to be that way, besides if what society did to him to make him turn like that then I can only sympathize." You sighed and Mokuba was thinking that you and Seto were indeed a perfect match, not many saw past Seto's cold act and his rude remarks.... but you did.

"Well, I should be going. I only wanted to see if you were okay."

"Thank you Mokuba, I'll see you and your brother tonight." You assured and led him to the door. 

You spent the rest of the day mostly relaxing and ignoring Justin's calls, apparently he didn't enjoy being ignored because he didn't stop calling. Eventually you blocked him and began getting ready for the party, you wanted to look presentable since you'd be in the presence of so many people and since Raul would be attending too... when you were done you looked at your reflection and smiled, as you got out of the house you saw a limousine right outside, Raul was in it and gave you a warm smile.

"Hello my daughter, you look beautiful." He greeted warmly and you chuckled before getting in with him, however your mood was ruined the second you saw Justin in as well.

"You should have answered your phone." He mocked with a smirk and you left a heavy sigh, this wasn't going to be easy nor pleasant at all.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now