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As Seto had planned, Nao had been all in for an engagement between you and Seto. He also spoke with Raul ensuring that if he wasn't completely okay with the idea, at least he wouldn't be completely against it either. All this time you had been so blissfully oblivious to what Seto was really after, sure the gifts he got to Nao made you curious but aside from that Seto was being normal. There were times where he would become clingy but you only thought of it as him searching for a distraction from the stress of his work and so you gave him your full attention and your affection every time. Seto's obsession was only growing stronger, even though he had never imagined he'd want to marry someone so badly, he couldn't help but busk at the idea. You and him bound for all eternity, surrounded by only those who would strengthen your love and make everyday all the more sweeter.

Meanwhile, Justin had been collecting the true dirt on Seto, all the "accidents" that had caused so many deaths of Seto's employees, the sudden and hurried applications to quit working in Kaiba Corp... Justin had been collecting them all while remaining undetected from Seto's puppets. He was well aware of what Seto wanted to do, of what he was planning... and he wasn't going to allow such a disgusting, hypocritical and insane man bound you to him forever. Nora wasn't really helping Justin even though she knew what was going on.

- The people he got rid of, were (Name)'s bullies. Not to mention the guy adores her far too much.

- That only makes it worse. He replied and she rolled her eyes.

- If Seto Kaiba was as  bad as you claim, your life would have been a living hell or you worse, you would have been dead. 

- Who says he didn't try it? Justin asked and Nora smirked.

- Can't really blame the guy. You were the first one to send people to kill him after all. She said and Justin stood up and glared at her.

- Who's side are you on? If you don't plan on helping me, do me a favor and get the hell out of my way!!! He said and she sighed.

- I'm just saying, it'd be a lot easier to do something after (Name) and Seto hook up. 

- Huh?!

- I mean... Seto will definetely try to get her to stay home more, seeing as he might get delusional about other men looking at her or he might decide that his wife isn't suited to be a mere secretary. And as her family that means you'll have more chances of getting her alone or create a situation where she will find out everything you have collected than now. You can leave everything else to her, besides that's what a divorce exists for, correct? She asked, a mischievious smile and her eyes seemed so inhuman as she spoke.  

- You are the devil, you know that? He replied, true she had helped him come up with a plan that had a higher chance to succeed but still... the fact that she came up with something like that made him worry.

- Thanks. It's my job to come up with plans like this one after all. She said and left.

- I have to ask Raul where he found that woman... I'd hate to imagine there are more like her. He said and not only because of that devious plan but also about the fact that she could easily become the most annoying being in the universe.

- She comes from a pretty normal family. A voice said, Justin turned and saw Nao, he seemed happy.

- What?

- Seto proposed to (Name), today. Nao said and Justin's jaw fell.

- He.... he.... HE WHAT?! 

- You heard me. Nao said and rolled his eyes, Justin wondered if Seto was either too excited to get married or too scared to let him get to you before he made his move. Either way, this was too fast for his liking.... and had he not decided to stick with Nora's plan, he would have definetely reacted worse.

- Has Raul agreed?

- Was there ever a chance he wouldn't? He wants (Name) to be happy, just like me and hopefully... just like you. 

- Of course I want her to be happy! 

- Then prove it and give up! Stop trying to seperate them! They are in love with each other! Nao said and Justin frowned. He didn't believe in love, if he had then he would have been dead fifty times over. 

- Leave me alone Nao. He said and the boy left the room, hoping that now Justin would give up and leave the two of you alone.

  At the same time you and Seto were at your house cuddling, he was the happiest man alive. He had proposed to you and you had said yes... you had agreed to be with him for the rest of your lives.

- I love you. You said and his embrace became just a bit tighter, not causing you any pain or discomfort, it was just a sign that he was happy.

- Me too. He said, his voice a mere whisper. He made you turn around before he pressed his lips on yours. It was a passionate kiss, one that only seemed to consume you and still demand more. Seto's right hand rubbed your back while his left hand cupped your cheek. 

- So... in a week we're going to be a married couple, huh? You asked after he finally let your lips go due to the lack of air. Your tone was warm and filled with love and Seto smirked.

- I could marry you sooner, if only Raul would let me. 

- He just wants everything to be perfect.

- Trust me, he doesn't have to worry about that. I'm not going to dump everything on him. He said and you chuckled.

- I know you won't. That's one of the many things I love about you. You said, not knowing how your words were slowly sealing a much darker fate for you.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now